How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • I know everyone is here for the same thing, and we’ve all been correcting this image since it showed up five years ago, but an Americano is not a black coffee.

    It is however, coffee that is black, but if I ordered one and got the other, I’d know somethings up.

    Also, I really don’t know why people drink americano. To me they just taste like cigarettes, but I’m currently drinking chicory so my opinion is moot.

  • As the population of people raised on the internet increases, you’ll see far more anger responses to the idea that being raised on the internet is bad for you.

    Nobody wants to believe they might not have done it right.

    That being said, kids generally do dumb things, and your initial comment seems a bit harsh for something as silly as rizz tag.

  • I’ve played most of the metroid games, and i know theres a ton of nostalgia for super metroid, but to this day nothing has matched the feeling of exploration and awe from Metroid Prime. Every place in the game was so radically different, and the ability to scan and learn about the environment was so unique, and exactly what i didn’t know i needed. Learning the lore and finding out what happened to the planet only by analyzing everything made the world feel like it had died, and it’s death was a tragedy. All the enemies you encounter are just local animals that don’t know better, or had been corrupted by pollution. That is, until about halfway through the game when you meet actually hostile, malicious intelligence, and the combat steps up exponentially.

    It’s fantastic. I still remember being amazed at the fogging and raindrops showing up on the visor the first time you step off your ship on Talon IV. I had never seen graphocs so good, and such attention to detail, and the game was already 4 years old.

    The only game i’ve ever played that felt similar was subnautica, and while it had the wonder, it lacked the melancholy and insane combat.

    Prime is the best in the series, hands down.

  • My industry is full of pseudoscience and liars. I can’t fault them for not knowing, and probably came off as more harsh than i intended.

    I correct patients all day, and got pretty burned in the long long ago on reddit by people who “know better” patting themselves on the back and getting my factual information downvoted to oblivion.

  • Focusing close regularly doesn’t make you short sighted, not getting enough tourquoise light on your retina from staying inside makes your eye keep getting longer instead of stopping when the focal point is correct. Well, that and genetics.

    And losing the ability to see near as you age has nothong to do with pressure. Your lens is constantly adding new layers to itself to stay clear, and after 40 it’s become so thick the muscles that pull it to accommodate near vision can’t stretch it enough. By 58 it doesn’t stretch at all any more. That’s why everyone eventually needs bifocals/progressives.

    Don’t state things as fact if your not sure of them.

    Source: ABOA, NCLE, OD, I own two optical practices.