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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Watching some reaction videos of people discovering Pink Floyd, one of them made an observation that clicked during “Time”. That Pink Floyd likes to first set the mood with the opening, then drop a few profound lyrics, and follow with a long solo that sets a mood of introspection where your mind goes back to those lyrics letting them hit harder during the musical interlude…then they follow with deeper lyrics to hit again.

    I’ll admit that I’m one of those who enjoyed Pink Floyd when I was younger mainly because of the music. It’s coming around again and the lyrics are now my focus because some of it hits far harder once you have experience in life.

  • Unfortunately a literal reading of Genesis 1:28 says to subdue the Earth (master or control in a few translations, and use all the resources for God’s purpose in one). Those trying to paint a nicer picture might change it to being stewards of the planet (which is what I always heard as a kid), but that’s not what’s there. To be fair, it was written in a time where the world seemed endless and humans couldn’t possibly destroy everything, a mindset that lasts to this very day. Even less than a century ago we were okay with dumping stuff into the water or burying it, or burning things because it was a huge world and the smoke disappeared into the sky.

  • The article has a few caveats to the idea as well, it’s not as certain as the title suggests. I’d suggest that this may hold up as well as the idea that the Toba eruption created an extinction-level bottleneck in our history. Later findings threw doubt on that initial conclusion too. We know of various other species that have definitely gone through severe genetic bottlenecks of their own, and the results are a lot clearly. The cheetah is a prime example.

  • they charge money to generate his style of art without compensating him.

    That’s really the big thing, not just here but any material that’s been used to train on without permission or compensation. The difference is that most of it is so subtle it can’t be picked out, but an artist style is obviously a huge parameter since his name was being used to call out those particular training aspects during generations. It’s a bit hypocritical to say you aren’t stealing someone’s work when you stick his actual name in the prompt. It doesn’t really matter how many levels the art style has been laundered, it still originated from him.