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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • To me if a certain method of organizing fails to give people power over their own needs without infringing on the needs of others than it should be avoided. Privatization of -everything-, which is core to ancap theory, is itself an aggression. The enclosure movement in the UK is a good example. The ‘best’ way for people to organize would incentivize people to be good towards each other and good stewards of the planet. It would not allow one person to gain power over anyone else’s right to exist. You should be highly skeptical of a movement whose theorists support slavery, free market organ sales, etc. which are antithetical to freedom of the individual (at least one person in the relationship is getting the shitty end of the deal).

  • A very simple approximation of your voice as it’s heard if you’re facing someone when speaking would be using a unidirectional mic and recording yourself with the mic pointing the opposite direction as it normally would be (in other words— with the polarity reversed).

    A slightly better approximation would be if you did the same thing but with two unidirectional mics pointed at slight angles (with the polarity still reversed) to simulate the placement of your ears.

    Obviously the quality of the mic would factor in as well—you’d want mics with a flat frequency curve. To get even pickier you’d also want to use headphones or speakers with a flat frequency curve to listen to it. Once you had the recording you could even take impulse responses of certain rooms and process the audio to get an idea of how you sound to others in specific rooms!

  • Unfortunately, yes. It connects to the engine reader and also has a gps. It’s pay per mile but with a cap on per mile charges so nice for people who don’t drive a lot. It costs $30 USD a month generally (which is cheap for my area). Lemonade (the rental insurance company) just bought it out. When I was with Progressive (a big American car insurance company) they offered a similar device though without much of a discount from what I could tell (I did not opt in). It also had a gyro device of some sort to tell if you were an aggressive driver. thought it was creepy at the time but here I am.

  • If you adopt a utilitarian perspective I agree (and I also totally agree that this is a matter of philosophy, clearly the norms do not support my hot take). If only the end matters and not the reasons, I agree that the ethical quandary falls away.

    I tend to think utilitarian ethics are quite useful for states or organizations, but I don’t think individual ethics are typically the utilitarian kind (though we are surely influenced by utilitarian analysis for example a lot of vegans are vegan for straight up environmental reason and therefore wouldn’t even need to contemplate the ethics of fake meat beyond environmental impact). I think there’s a more innate sense of ethics that makes me not want to eat something as vital and curious as a cow or a chicken. I’m not trying to reduce the total amount of harm in the world, I just don’t want to be the cause of the death of another entity when I can help it. Eating a vegan burger that looks and feels like a beef burger feels like symbolic support of a practice I don’t support. Perhaps if all beef were pseudo beef that would change things.