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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Ironically enough, I generally can barely stand D&D these days, and much prefer systems like Blades In The Dark, Powered By The Apocalypse, Ironsworn/Starforged, etc., so please understand that while my criticism comes from a place of cited reference, in no way do I support the tactical “storytelling” that WotC sells to the unwitting and the brand-loyal. In fact, it seems that we’re of very similar mind, after all. 🤗❤️

    edit: I’d like to point out that I had the “privilege” of playing in a game that Gygax ran at GenCon back in the day, and Colville’s “style” is cut from similar cloth. Some might enjoy it, but I genuinely wish the flyleaves of rulebooks still assured readers that the book’s contents were merely guidelines to assist imagination among their group.

  • According to Matt Colville, and I’m paraphrasing here, “Your monsters should be doing average damage equal to 6, + 3 times their CR”. Therefore, your < CR 13 monsters were so nerfed that their actual CR was less than half (+/-) the printed number. All due respect, but if you’re training your players to interact with the game system in this manner, you’re not only making more work for yourself, but you’re setting them up for a rude fucking awakening at nearly any other table than yours. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Here ya go:

    Liquidation of Black Sea fleet to force Russia to accelerate its exit from the war

    September 17, 2023

    Oleksiy Danilov Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

    The military-political leadership of Russia understands no language other than the language of force and arms. Therefore, a strategic turning point in the full-scale war could be the task of inflicting significant damage on the Russian aggressors by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including their Black Sea Fleet, states Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

    In this context, the government official emphasized the importance of timely assistance in terms of arms from Ukraine’s allies and partners, which would significantly expedite the defeat of the intervenors’ forces, the de-occupation of Ukrainian territories, and the establishment of a just peace.

    According to him, the more convincing the advantage of Western weaponry in the hands of Ukrainians on land, sea, and in the air, the closer Ukraine will come to achieving its strategic goals, which align with the goals and values of the democratic world.

    “For example, the complete or partial liquidation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, a solvable task, would significantly expedite the processes in Russia searching for a way out of the ongoing war,” explained the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

    He also added that it could serve as a good demonstration of the Russian armed forces’ inability to “adequately counteract Western technologies, painting a very gloomy picture of further events.”

    At the same time, Danilov labeled the practice of rationing military assistance to Ukraine “based on fear, so as not to provoke the wrath of (Russian dictator Vladimir) Putin and not to provoke Russia into further escalation” as fundamentally untrue.

    “Refusal or delay in providing modern weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces is a direct encouragement to the Kremlin for further war, not the other way around,” he emphasized.

    On September 14, Ukrainian special forces used an experimental drone called “Sea Baby” to disable the Russian missile ship “Samum” in Crimea. According to RBC-Ukraine, the SBU’s maritime drone carried out the operation near the entrance to Sevastopol Bay.

    Prior to this incident, on September 13, a strike on the Sevastopol Shipyard damaged the large landing ship “Minsk” and the diesel-electric submarine “Rostov-on-Don.”

    Earlier, SBU maritime drones successfully attacked the Crimean Bridge in July 2023, as well as the Russian landing ship “Olenegorsky Gornyak” and the tanker “SIG.”