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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I got hit by a pickup truck last year. He broke my foot a few of my ribs and shattered my hip. He flung me from my bicycle causing internal bleeding. Thankfully he hit me almost in front of s police station and the hospital was right across the river.

    Take this next part with a big grain of salt because I lost a lot of blood. I could feel myself starting to float above the table. My vision started to get blurry and everything had a white hazy tint to it. The part that was the strangest was how calm I was. I just kept focus on talking even though I was told it was basically nonsense for a bit.

    It took me almost and entire year but I went from a wheel chair to walking with a cane. I’ve been going without the cane more and more these days. I’ve been looking into modified bicycles and I’m interested in getting back into riding again someday.

  • I don’t think I have ADHD but I know I have something. My youngest sibling is extremely autistic. I grew up during a time where ADHD was just called ADD and most people thought it was fake.

    I’ve tried meds after I got out of the Marines and it messed me up really, really bad so I’m very reluctant to look any further into it.

  • The worst part is that he tried to blame me for the accident. After hitting me from behind on an official shared bike road. He managed to convince the dumbass cop to write ME a ticket for failure to yield. I got all that shit thrown out. I pushed to have the cop show up to court but the prosecutor couldn’t get the driver or the cop to show up. Funny that 😅

    That guy may have convinced the rookie cop I was in the wrong but my lawyer got his insurance to accept 100% fault for the accident. They covered all my medical expenses and I got some money on the side as well. It wasn’t life changing money but I could put a down payment on a house now very comfortably. So it’s not like I got completely shafted.

    There so so much to say about this. We could go back and forth for hours. I will look up what you suggested. I also was looking into full sized electric scooters as well such as the Vespa and the Paggio. It’s not a bike but it’s electric and it probably will give me a similar feeling. I’m in Taiwan right now and I rode my wife’s regular scooter the other day just fine so I think I’ll be okay with balance. It’s the pressure on my hips that’s the biggest holdback from getting in a bicycle.

    Since you were cool I’ll share a few pics of the accident I plan to put in the video I’m making. I warn you it’s a bit graphic but it’s not blood and gore levels of graphic.

    Edit: took down the photos.

  • It’s okay. I lived and I’m a hell of a fighter, I won’t give up despite all the crap I’ve gone through. If I can ride a bicycle one day, even just for a short ride. You damn well better believe I’ll do it and do it proudly.

    I’m working on a YouTube video that will recount the story. It’s been difficult to make because I have to look at all the photos. Writing it down is one thing but actually recounting it has been problematic.

    I doubt it will gain much traction but I do want to share the very graphic details so people can understand why it’s so important that we have regulations on the size of vehicles civilians in the US can purchase and to open up better, safer infrastructure for bicycles and e-bikes.

  • Firstly, thanks for checking on me. I appreciate that so much.

    I’m doing alright. My hip was shattered by the impact. He also broke my foot and several of my ribs. The recovery was horrible though and I’m still at a major loss of function overall when it comes to using my left leg.

    I have a permanent dead spot on the left side of my thigh since they had to cut the nerve to do the surgery. I walk with a cane now and it’s unlikely I’ll ever get on a proper bicycle again due to the discomfort I experience these days.

    Also this is a bit weird, but my ankle is super problematic. It didn’t get broken or hurt at all but I can barely move it anymore. The doctors said it would get better with time but as I’ve mentioned it’s been about a year and I still haven’t seen any improvement.

    I still have a wheelchair I use from time to time if waking or standing becomes too much of an issue. I hate using it though because someone gave me a hard time about it in a parking lot when I got out of it to load it in my car. I wasn’t parked in a handicap spot or anything since I can exit and enter my vehicle just fine. I just don’t want to roam around Costco with their stupid beeping cart and I move faster in my manual chair overall. The guy was being a jackass obviously but still, the interaction makes me reluctant to use it.