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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I have 2 pairs of those pants, but they are my fishing pants. That means I wear them while chopping a path to a fishing spot. Then I zip the legs off and go for a swim when it gets too hot to fish. They are also made from a material that dries really fast.

    But they are purely utilitarian. My partner thinks I look like a dork in them. But they aren’t there when I zip the legs off and get all sexy alone in the woods. Lol.

  • I suck at plumbing and electrical work. I’ve done Painting and Sheetrock work. I’ve also done pest control, and been a Walmart janitor. I have cleaned Walmart bathrooms, and honestly it was one of my favorite jobs. When people hire you to potentially clean puke, piss, blood, and feces they pretty much don’t fuck with you. I literally cleaned all the bathrooms in about 2 hours then I would hide out. Then spend 2 hours making sure they were clean before I left, and no one ever questioned it.

    I don’t mind doing gross stuff. As long as it gets me what I need, and sometimes what I want.

  • Sir/madam, you just touched on one of the most important rules for living a happy life. I like to call it “See something? No you didn’t.”

    I grew up and primarily have lived in the south, and my dad and I would go out in the woods when I was a kid. From my very first trip he told me “Son, while we’re out in them woods. If you see someone else out there, just turn around and go back the other way. Don’t say nothin, don’t wave, just go the other way.”

    To this day I live by that. My partner “it sounds like the neighbors are building something out of wood at 2am.” Me “not my problem”. Partner “I think I heard gunshots.” Me “wake me up when you hear screaming.”

  • So, I have very limited experience with 2 of them. One was Banditos. I was the bouncer at a dive bar on the weekends as a second job. This was 20 years ago. Banditos started hanging out there, and honestly they were pretty cool. They were loud, and drank a lot, but they never caused me any problems, and helped me solve a couple of problems in my time there. Some of them were local FOP which seems a little gross, but they never bothered me.

    The other was black pistons I think? I don’t remember. My friends dad was in it, and she and I got to hang out at their clubhouse some. That was almost exactly like you would think it was.

    I only hung out there like 2 or 3 times with her. It was a shitty looking trap house in the hood. There was Nazi memorabilia all over the place. There was a bar in the middle of the living room. Middle aged white dudes drunk and geeked on meth. Lots of guns.

    One night one of the dudes showed up with a black crackhead prostitute from the neighborhood. I know she was from the neighborhood because she said she had been there a few times before, and I heard them talking about “seeing her around”. Anyway, she was running around naked half the night doing Hitler salutes with those chuckle-fucks. Drinking whiskey, and smoking, probably meth. The whole situation was incredibly off putting.

  • First off I’m going to call Ad Hominem fallacy.


    I never said that what China was doing was ok. As someone that visited Tibet, and then was made to leave early by the CCP. I’m no fan of china or genocide. I think we can all agree that concentration camps are not ok.

    But religions aren’t just what they say. They are what they do. For instance, I don’t think it says to SA kids in the Bible. Yet they seem to have a propensity for it. The Quran doesn’t say anything about honor killings, but if Muslims do it. Then it’s a Muslim thing.

  • Strawman fallacy!!!

    But I’ll allow it. I’m bored of playing starfield.

    If you want to use cocaine and Catholicism. It would be like if cocaine showed up in your country, and Catholics are the vast majority of people doing it. So you look at a map and realize that Catholics are doing cocaine in other countries. So, you do some more reading to find out that catholic countries all over the world from Africa to Eastern Europe to the Middle East. Are all doing cocaine despite being separated by mountains and oceans. Each country being surrounded by totally different cultures, and the only thing that these cocaine doing countries have in common is Catholicism.

    Just out of fairness I have to add that India is also doing cocaine, because of the caste system. But they also have a huge catholic population.

  • I agree. From what I’ve read the Quran actually says it’s pretty bad to kill another Muslim. I’m assuming of course that most of these people have quit the faith. But too many Muslim communities in too many different parts of the world do honor killings, for honor killings to not have spread with Islam.

    Which this has been such a popular topic that I started talking about it with a friend offline. His take on it was that “I feel that Islam IS the culture in these communities”. He went on to say that “when you have a religion that reminds you several times a day through prayer that you are this religion. You have to plan your day accordingly. So, the religion becomes the culture. “

    Which I mostly agree with.

  • I don’t remember saying anything about where it originated other than who cares about it.

    All that matters is where it is now. It is now an almost exclusively Muslim practice. As someone who grew up hanging out with a rich Muslim family a lot. I saw my best friend, and sisters kidnapped by their father taken back to Pakistan and almost forcibly married off. The reason was because the dad felt they were too western. The only reason they got back was because my friend and her older sister escaped and because they were born here got the us embassy to send them back. The younger sisters I think we’re too young back then.

    Because of that same friend and her sisters. I got invited to a lot of parties for “brown people” but really it was just kids whose parents had immigrated here from all over, and most of them went to the same mosque as my friend.

    I have heard a lot of similar stories. I mean I’ve heard some funny ones too. Like one dude told me how much he loves onions, but can’t eat them around his dad because it grows under ground.

    My point is. We aren’t going to see eye to eye on this. Honor killings are a Muslim practice. You’ll never agree that it is, and I’m never going to agree that it isn’t. But even without that. Islam is an especially disgusting religion.

    I also want to make one thing incredibly clear. I may not like religions of all faiths (I am an equal opportunity hater in that department), but I have no problem with the people. I only have a problem with the bad things they do in the name of their religion. So, don’t get it twisted. I dislike white American Christians just as much as middle eastern Muslims.

  • There are now. You are correct, but that’s not how China got rid of religion amongst the Chinese people during the cultural revolution. Which is what I was talking about.

    See, Mao followed Stallin’s playbook. You get rid of the smart, the rich, and religious. That makes it easier to pull everyone together under the same banner. They both got rid of the bourgeoisie. They both got rid of intelligentsia. But only China was able to get rid of religion among the Chinese people.

    You are correct though that today they use “reeducation camps”. Which is why they haven’t been as successful this time around. As someone else pointed out in this thread. When you use force to take away a religious identity. Stories about, and instructions for going underground are built into the teachings.

    Anyway, you are right, but I was talking about the Chinese people proper. The Han Chinese I guess.

  • Who cares where it originated. Also, if that’s the case. Then how did these tribal customs spread all over the old world. It’s in Muslim communities in the Middle East. It’s in Muslim communities in the Balkans. It’s in Muslim communities in Africa. I mean for that matter 90% of honor killings in the US are Muslim.

    You can keep lying to yourself all you want to. But don’t tell me what the numbers plainly state. This isn’t a race thing. There are Muslims of all colors. Likewise, it’s obviously not all Muslims.

    But it’s undeniable that just one problematic part of the Muslim faith is honor killings. Next you’re going to try and explain away child marriage in the Muslim faith. Tell me that Muhammad didn’t have a child bride.

    My favorite was this crazy math thing this guy told me one time. He said that for women they started counting age at puberty. Since was 7 when she married Muhammad, but started puberty at 12. That means she was 19.

    Ill let you figure out why that’s wrong. Here’s a hint. The answer has to do with Muhammad’s first wife.

    And yes I know some Christian sects like the FLDS also do child marriage. It is equally abhorrent, but we aren’t talking about them.

    The thing is that honor killings are just one more disgusting facet of Islam. Period