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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yeah, the US did and is doing fucked up things. But we’re talking scale in the modern era here.

    How much longer will the Uyghurs be able to speak their language when china bans Uyghur language books in Uyghur schools? Why does China put up signs at those schools saying that only language permitted on school grounds is Mandarin? Why is china sending hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese to Uyghur home for days at a time to ensure they are speaking Mandarin?

    Maybe the US can heal better and faster from its atrocities, but China is actively pursuing atrocities at an official industrial state level.

  • Is it just one grainy satellite footage? I was under the impression it was a series of images documenting the construction and expansion of detention centers located suspiciously near the population that has been complaining about being disappeared to detention centers. I also thought there are very clear ground-level pictures, showing thousands Uyghur in blue jumpsuits.

    Is the testimony random? I thought it was testimony was mostly from Uyghurs from the affected area, with credible stories that line up with other witnesses and victims that were also questioned.

    You will deny this is true because it is crucial for your reality that it is false. Nothing the US is currently doing is a fucked up as what China is doing in terms of racism and ethnic suppression.

  • The Chinese propaganda made to counter the satellite images, testimony from victims, and video evidence consists of some YouTubers visiting the same handful of uncomfortably smiling Uyghur families under the careful eye of Chinese censors and fluff pieces that amount to “nuh-uh”.

    China is trying to erase the culture of people within their borders, again, and there is a long tradition of this forced assimilation in China. They are not pluralistic, and don’t want to be, and their attitude towards non-chinese within their borders lead me to have very low expectations on how they will treat minorities outside.

  • Taiwan has at least 1 anti ship missile for every Chinese vessel and 1 anti air missile for every Chinese aircraft, and this just from US-supplied weaponry(I encourage you to read the Wikipedia article above). Taiwan also has hundreds of domestic missiles that can hit as far as Wuhan, and at least 50(and more coming) that can hit Beijing.

    You say Taiwan can’t do anything in a war, but this certainly seems like a lot of something. Propaganda or no, things tend to explode when you shoot missiles at them.

    That said, certainly China would eventually succeed in invading Taiwan(barring foreign intervention), however China knows the cost of invasion and is not willing to pay it, so Taiwan keeps buying more weapons to ensure the price remains high for China.

    Were it not the case, China would have invaded by now.

    So instead China is doing slow diplomacy and hoping sentiment in the Taiwanese govt and people trend towards unification.