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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I believe the Sermon on the Mount essentially says “clothe the naked, feed the hungry, take care of the sick.”. No limits on time.

    The Didoche was written in an era where Christian communities generally had little wealth and were constantly in danger of arrest or execution. This is NOT the case in most places now, and especially not in the US, which this meme is referencing.

    Nobody who’s suggesting state assistance is suggesting that we “take care” of people forever, at least not under the current system. Indeed, the data pretty easily shows that if you give people a place to stay, solid food aid, and some cash to deal with bills and miscellania, they start being functioning members of society, and get jobs and start the detox process or whatever interventions they need, really quick, like within months. This has been trialed even in the US in places like Denver, and it works.

    So what you’re really saying is “I don’t want more of my money going to helping other people.” Have fun being the richest man in the cemetery.

  • Exactly this. Surgery is not an option from any reputable doctor before at least 18, and even then you’re fighting uphill even if there’s been an established pattern of care for gender dysphoria. At 6, you just let your child wear what clothes they want, play with what they want, and maybe allow them to try out different names if they want. That’s pretty much it. Literally nobody is suggesting hormones, blockers, or surgery for children, and having a lot of trans friends, I can tell you those are difficult to access even for people with long established gender dysphoria.

  • Exactly this. Everyone working on that machine slaps their lock on it, and every last lock needs to be removed before the tag can come off. The welders might finish in half a day, but the electrical or water or hydraulic guys might need a whole weekend to get done, so this makes sure someone doesn’t say “oh the lock is gone” and make mincemeat out of some dude’s head.