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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not trusting Big Tech, it’s understanding that Little Tech can also lie.

    Cox Media Group wants to hype up their product and use AI buzzwords. To be seen as reliable they say that they work with Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

    The report is basically CMG saying they can do X, and everyone else calling bullshit. (And in response CMG clarifying “No, we don’t actually do that” and then also removing the companies they don’t actually work with.)

    It isn’t definitively saying they don’t, but also isn’t saying that they do. You can assume the worst if you like, but that doesn’t mean the worst is actually true.

    Is it possible this type of spying exists? Yes. Is it possible this is a cover up? Yes. Do we have actual data to support that? No.

    Tomorrow an investigation may reveal otherwise, but for now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • I use flat case most of the time, but I also try to stick to single word files so there is no case to get in the way.

    I think for documents I might share like a PDF I’d use Pascal case.

    In a classroom or teaching setting I will sometimes use Kebab case as I find it is the least confusing and makes it extra clear where the word division is. Similarly I avoid Dot notation since it’s confusing for folks coming from a Windows world.

    And I would avoid Screaming because that’s just too loud anywhere.

  • Sure Reddit and Lemmy are different technical stacks, but neither is doing anything particularly unique or complicated.

    If Reddit wanted to federate it could. It would take some work but it would be an achievable task in a reasonable amount of time.

    Perhaps scaling or stability issues. I’m not sure the Fediverse is ready to handle the number of actions a site like Reddit handles. Then again I’m not super well versed on that part of the Lemmy software, so maybe it would be fine.

  • It’s definitely amplified to pretend that any existing story is a “real story” or to just pad a slow news day.

    You can just say “Twitter users are saying” and suddenly something sounds important. No need to clarify that it’s just a few dozen people, and by “people” it’s just Twitter accounts many of which are bots.

    The sooner Twitter implodes the better off we all are. Sure I’d like folks to move to Mastodon, but really I don’t care where they go. Bluesky or Threads is fine. Some new hotness/flavor of the week is fine. But Twitter is a lost cause. It’s speeding towards failure since Musk took over but he just accelerated its eventual fate.

  • Sure, but if the argument is that Google is paying to be a monopoly then they’re going to have to stop payment.

    Google allegedly paid $60 million for access to Reddit for AI purposes. Reddit then disallowed access to all other providers, unless they can promise they won’t use the data for AI purposes.

    Technically Reddit is the one disallowing access, but if the argument is that Google is paying for special access I don’t see why I wouldn’t extend to AI.

    Reddit now needs to either argue their data is some special intellectual property worth $60 million or is at a price point more accessible and it sure as shit won’t be $60 million.