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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • In my case, KeePass and ExpressVPN could not function. For KeepassXC, this was the reason:

    It is impossible to support native messaging when a browser is running as a sandboxed snap. This is a limitation in snapd not keepassxc.

    It appears they found some work-around with an extra script after installation as of 2 years ago. Basically, snaps are sandboxed, which is a feature. That wreaks havoc with certain tools, though. ExpressVPN’s browser plugin was having similar problems, and on Linux, that’s you’re only GUI interface for ExpressVPN.

    I just checked, and I was updated to the Snap version, and I had no problems with either extension, so they did solve the problems. Therefore, I’m not outraged. Ubuntu has the right to standardize their deployments on a system that makes their work easier or less chaotic - as long as it does not screw over their customers.

    Edit: i was mistaken. I still use the Mozilla PPA, so the problems migjt remain.

  • I once amusedly watched girls sunbathe in bikinis at St. Lawrence University with patches of snow nearby in, I think March.

    Conversely, I personally wore shorts and a tee one fine vacation in Florida around Christmas. It was 60f, and everybody was running around in jackets looking like they were in Chicago in January.

  • I was thinking it is parody. The whole thing is management consultant speak. But honestly, I can’t tell any more. So much that would have been obvious parody in the 80s and 90s, are in fact serious today. Regardless, software architecture is really not that different from hard engineering. There are designs that work, and designs that don’t, business culture be damned.

    This comes across as more of “fuck you, build it the way we feel it should be built” even though they have no fucking clue of the difference between a singleton and strategy, or SOLID and DRY. It is like a senator telling a Pratt and Whitney engineer the F-35 must be able to take a 90 degree turn at mach 3. Totally fucking ludicrous!