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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Gmail has a bad habit of losing my emails anyway. Maybe yours too if you ever used Google Inbox.

    I migrated my main account to Inbox and it was honestly the best email experience I’ve had. Unfortunately, the forced migration following its collapse left my Gmail riddled with problems.

    Granted, it’s not losing days worth of email. It just occasionally attempts to automatically categorize emails into categories that don’t exist, removing them from my inbox and leaving them in a weird uncategorized limbo space. Once there, I have to search for them specifically before they will show up anywhere.

    The worst part is, it is so inconsistent that I have no clue when to expect it. I have missed major bills this way.

    I have a coworker who is also an Inbox refugee. He is the only other person I’ve met with identical Gmail issues.

  • ADHD has gifted me with an overwhelming drive to take on every single project and activity that comes to mind. ADHD also makes it incredibly difficult to actually do any of those projects and activities because no matter how hard I try to fight it, I will eventually need to stop and sleep.

    There will always be fewer hours in the day than I need. No nueurotypicals need to be involved for it to just plain suck. If I had infinite time and resources, it would probably be awesome