We are fucked so why not be nice to each other

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I want to say I do not agree with most of madaidians post but this one seemed logical is all. I totally understand phones are just not something someone who is an anarchist or activist should even carry lol.

    Thank you for your input I have been reading your guide and it is exactly what I need for this threat model I pretty much already do everything minus a few things which I never thought of. I am a privacy enthusiast who likes to understand how my shit works and a very noob self taught programmer/hacker (idk what I’d call myself, just want to understand the stuff im using to protect myselfl ) I have so many questions about the other set up and will be joining your matrix to pick your brain about a few products and software hope you dont mind lol

    And I want to finish I’m sorry if I offended you. I too dont like listening to people telling me to use a certain OS and phone but researching this has been hard so thank you for your well written guides