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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I always said that too but I really just wanted to continue being stimulated.

    What has helped me is to realize that my brain keeps working at night when.

    Recently I was working on a project with my son involving some engineering and construction and I came up with an idea at like 9:00 pm and thought about it until 11:30 pm while I tinkered with it but I could not make it work right. The next morning it was like my hands knew exactly what to do and I built it immediately and it worked the first try.

    Try acting like your brain’s boss or its commanding officer. Tell it what to do. If you’re having trouble shutting down your brain when it’s coming up in bed time, give it a direct order: “okay conscious brain, it is time for you to stop what you are doing and go to sleep now. Unconscious brain is going to take over on this problem while you are resting.”

    For real, your brain needs to sleep. It uses night time to assimilate the days memories so you can recall them later, and it uses that time to process and understand concepts and make predictions.

  • Thats voice is the whole thing.

    Meditation is the act of quieting that voice.

    The more you practice it, the easier it becomes.

    There’s a lot of ways to meditate (a lot of ways to quiet the voice). Have to practice them.

    The advantage is that the next time you are being distracted by those thoughts at a time when distraction is unhelpful, you will more naturally and easily quiet your mind and resume your focus.

    It’s like practicing to control your thoughts. Think of it like walking the dog. It’s going to pull at first. Gotta keep walking.