• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I love this comic, because “never quit / never surrender” is one of the godamn stoopidest phrases in our culture.

    How about: “Take a break, re-tool, gather yourself, ask yourself if this is what you really want, and if so, can our methodology and stress-relief be improved? Well then, well then!”

  • I paid around US$700-800 for a nice Neumann mic that I’d researched pretty well, but like a dumbass didn’t realise that it required power, meaning I couldn’t just hook in to my amp like your basic Shure.

    So later on as a solution, I got myself a Focusrite powered amp-interface that has a bonus of being able to route guitar and mic input in to USB. Spent hours trying to get everything working and kept running in to problems. IIRC the USB signal was barely received by my computer, and the only way the amp received a signal is if the computer was powering the thing, which shouldn’t have been a requirement as it already had power.

    I just went back to my Shure while that fancy stuff gathers dust. Similar thing with my Ableton.

  • French.
    I figured since I was exposed to it for a year as an infant, it would help me out when I was farting around with electives in school. Well, nope-- that ‘infant period’ was just too early I guess, and classroom learning didn’t work for me, regardless.

    What actually helped a tonne was just vacationing in Paris for a week (i.e. helpless immersion), and later, developing a passion for Franco-Belgian comics, which led to me using the DuoLingo app on phone whenever I’m bored or have a spare moment.

    ~Six months in, I’m just blown away by how much I can read without too much trouble. Google’s vanilla “Translate” app helps a bunch when I’m stuck. Of course it’s also good to have other aids, such as a handy chart of verb conjugations, etc, but really it was just DuoLingo that caught me on fire.

    Feel free anyone to drop by our Lemmy community devoted to European graphic novels if you’re interested.

  • Oh shoot, I meant the above for @[email protected] actually, i.e. OP. I don’t believe you had replied to me at any point, hence that wasn’t meant for you.

    That said-- I’m not too sure the “90:9:1” rule applies so well to the FV. For one thing, it seems like a good number of subscribers tried out Lemmy (etc) at some point and then went back to Reddit (etc), meaning they’re no longer really here. Another point is that since the FV moves a lot more slowly than Reddit, I question whether FV users are as active here compared to other places.

    About the bias of me seeing only part of Small44’s community numbers due to filtering by my own instance-- you’re right of course, but after double-checking their overall global numbers, they’re actually only a tiny bit larger. Ironically or not, most of their users came from my own instance (lemm.ee). So their numbers across three communities are really too small to ever be properly viable IME.

    So something like the kbin worldnews community I mod has literally thousands of inactive subscribers.

    Geez, that’s… not good. :S

    https://lemm.ee/u/[email protected]

  • Hmm, it looks like you’re mod of ~three fairly dormant communities that have very small user bases. Unfortunately, at that size I wouldn’t think there’d be much in the way of regular comments, much less guest posts.

    In my case I was lucky, because a co-mod and regular poster happened to join in early-on, and we were able to build up the first couple hundred users fairly quickly.

    But something else that I think helped a lot was that our community is very visual-oriented, so it was pretty easy to find users who were perfectly happy to join up just to look at pretty images without necessarily clicking links or putting too much thought in to anything deeper. So pandering to the lowest common denominator of user interest seems to work nicely for building up base numbers. That said, there’s still a lot of growth we need to do, which likely involves outreach of some kind or another.

  • There’s absolute mass quantities, as Beldar the Conehead might say.

    It’s easy enough to guess that plenty of people just grabbed a community name in case they might find it useful one day, but I’m guessing plenty of others legitimately started up a community, put some effort in to it, then ultimately got discouraged and abandoned it. A big part of that likely due to not being able to attract many subscribers and contributors.

    Personally what I’ve found is that if you really want a community to grow, you need to seed it with content on a regular basis; preferably daily. Posting bots are probably a good way to help with that, altho if the sub looks like it’s little more than bot posts, I don’t think users will be inclined to post or comment much.

    What I haven’t quite figured out myself is how to incline users to post on their own, but hopefully with time that issue will kind of resolve itself due to sheer user count.

    Btw, see here:

  • I’m hardly a presidential scholar, but from what i understand, the country hit a peak of greatness under FDR’s reforms. Wages were very fair, consumers had lots of buying power, and there were social safety nets in place. Even after FDR, i think those things stayed relatively stable for some years before traitors and capitalists gained the upper hand.

    The great irony is that boomers were pretty much the first new generation to enjoy the fruits of FDR’s work, and now they’re one of the biggest bases taking part in working to destroy democracy.