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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It does taste different.l but it’s still milk.
    I’ve grown up on a farm, and milk can even taste different from cow to cow, or at different times of the year if that changes their alimentation.
    Raw milk also usually has a higher fat content than what most people buy.
    Ours would average 4.5%.

    Different breeds also taste different, holsteins, ayrshires, jerseys, etc.

    I’ve never been a big fan of milk, so I can’t into much details on flavor.

    I personally wouldn’t procure raw milk from a farm I didn’t know very well.

  • OP is a racist jumping through alt accounts. In their mind, they’re making of fun of some imaginary dissonance between people liking the person in the top image and not liking the person in the bottom image.

    They only ever see through the perspective of a racist.
    In their tiny mind, “other race = inherently bad”, so to them, non-racist people must surely be going… “other race = inherently good”.

    To them, race here was some magic card they can pull out as a gotcha, as if we should like Musk because he’s African.

    Their little brain cannot fathom we might dislike Musk because he’s a billionaire narcissist sociopath and not because he was born in Africa.

  • I hear ya.
    I get 1-6 meetings in the same time slot, people don’t care to check so I don’t care to show.
    I decide which meetings are important for actually moving stuff forward and screw the rest.

    There’s only ever one guy who complained to my boss…
    I didn’t show up for a meeting for a Friday 7pm, invite sent at like 4:58pm the same day for some inane and absolutely not urgent subject.
    I saw that invite come in, chuckled, closed my laptop, went home and ignored it.

    Later that night, the guy went nuts and CC’d everyone’s bosses because he had wasted the full hour and obviously no one showed up to his meeting “even though I made sure to check everyone’s calendar and everyone was available and you’re all unprofessional”.

    I don’t do emails notifications on phones as a rule unless you wanna pay my rate 24/7, but I had forgotten to do my time sheet so I was logged in doing that…

    I dabble in a bit of passive aggressiveness in the face of corporate bullshit, so I finished my timesheet and hit propose new time… Sunday 3:21 am…
    “Checked your calendar and it was available. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
    Closed my laptop and fucked off.

    The guy went nuclear over several emails.
    Sent a quick email to my boss “Just a heads-up, I think I angered someone by not attending their 7pm meeting they sent at 4:58pm and proposing an equally ridiculous time”

    Never heard from the guy again and the next week he wasn’t in the company AD anymore.

    Probably went full tilt cookie monster in the coke jar or something.

  • Not my parents, but I’ve had a narcissist work colleague pester me about my partner and I not wanting to have kids, trying to convince us I guess, using her ultimate argument

    Her: But… you need to have kids so they take care of you when you’re old!

    Me: So… wait. Is that the reason you had kids?

    Her: Well yea! (like that’s the only logical answer, duh)

    Me: … wow …

    Fast forward. Her kids are all grown up now, they’ve since cut all contact and she hasn’t seen them nor her grandkids in years. I run into them once in a while and I’ve helped them out with a handful of times with things like moving or maintenance or tax reports or whatever. There’s a few things they never really got to learn growing up and anything they could ever do was never good enough for her, even though she’s terrible at most things.

    Now and then, she’d still complain about them being ungrateful and I’d just ignore her… she’s never once come even close to the self-awareness that she drove them away by being a narcissist asshole.
    She’s retired now, so neither of us have to deal with her now.

    Great fucking plan, having kids to guilt trip them into caring for you…
    They had the guts to move on and I’m proud of them.
    I was probably the first to tell them so, some random passerby.
    Fuck narcissists.

  • The problem is there’s likely not a universal solution that’s guaranteed to clean everything in every case.

    Cleaning specific logs/configs is much easier when you know what you’re dealing with.
    Something like anonymizing a Cisco router config is easy enough because it folllows a known format that you can parse and clean.
    Building a tool to anonymize some random logs from a specific software is one thing, anonymizing all logs from any software is unlikely.
    Either way, it should always be double-checked and tailored to what’s being logged.