I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I feel this comment.

    One problem I had though was that some of my teachers were like, “I think he should be tested for ADHD and/or autism,” and my parents going on a tirade about it not being real or some shit.

    Of course I only found that out after I got diagnosed with ADHD (still haven’t got the courage to ask my doc about autism though) and told my parents therefore triggering they’re tirade aimed at me where they mentioned my teachers talking about it pretty consistently in school.

    Would have loved getting that diagnosis when I was younger than 29.

  • Oh yeah the “go for x, break for y, then go again” thing never works for me unless it’s go for hours with headphones on, then break in a specific manner for 10-15 minutes, then go again. Then maybe I’ll be able to finish properly.

    It shouldn’t feel like we have to fight our brains to get shit done but I swear half the time it feels like I have to enter the Goddamned Konami Code just to get my shit done lol.

  • I find that breaking my tasks into much smaller little tasks helps a lot. That way instead of failing to do one task I’m failing to do 50… wait.

    Joking aside breaking the tasks apart helps me a lot. It’s not “I need to clean my apartment,” it’s, “I need to clean my living room, bedroom, and dining room.” And even that more task heavy list gets broken down a lot where basically each room becomes zones.

    I might not finish the living room today but cleaning that end table will be something I can revel in finishing.

    For me it also helps me practicing point-and-call for the tasks I need to do. It helps lowering my chance of getting distracted while I’m doing something and also helps prevent mistakes on more complicated tasks.

  • Lychee Slicer (slicer used for resin printing) is usually pretty good but sometimes it’ll still fail

    Which basically means I’d have 2 choices, go in there manually with Blender or fire up Windows 3D Builder and let it work it’s magic

    I haven’t fully given up on trying to find a way to get it to work on Linux but I’ve had to take a break from trying purely due to frustration