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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Of course. It’s not political if it’s just The Way Things Should Be™

    • The two Races: White and Political
    • The two Genders: Male and Political
    • The two Sexualities: Straight and Political

    Their views are never “political” because theirs is the “natural state” of things. They’re on top because they deserve to be, and they deserve to be on top because they are. It’s anything that deviates from that so-called natural state that’s being political.

  • Now there’s a rule the certainly totally didn’t come from a ton of people playing “Chaotic Neutral means I get to be a ‘lol so random xD’ murder hobo” type characters at all.

    Now I’m not really a fan of forcing people to play Good alignment characters, but my god if there was ever someone that wouldn’t be allowed to play anything but Lawful/Neutral Good at my table it would be Mr. “I can just be a Good Slave Owner” over there.

  • It’s not a thing in the sense of it being some innate part of the universe. But it’s very real in the sense of societal expectations. It’s all our natural differences, but Neurotypical is just the acceptable amount of difference that society is built around and caters to. If you fall outside of that you’re neurodivergent. Of course people aren’t sorted into playing life on easy mode; their level of difference simply naturally falls in that acceptable range. They don’t have to think about it like someone else might because it just comes naturally to them. It’s considered a disability because everyone is expected to operate inside of that acceptable range and if you can’t then you’re broken according to society.

  • I was specifically trying to get all the achievements in it in 1 run because I had borrowed it for just a weekend from a buddy of mine at my college. I got to the final boss and just unloaded everything. Fight ended in like 30 seconds.

    I told him to check my achievements when I gave it back to him. I get a random Xbox live voice message of him just screaming “WHAT AAAAARE YOU!?” 10/10 would torture myself again.

  • I’m so terminally awkward about all this. Cuz I want to be sure that the person I’m about to ask for help isn’t like on break or waiting for their shift to start or something and “Excuse me, are you on the clock?” Sounds super condescending to me. So I just awkwardly default to “Do you work here?” or “Do you know someone who can help me?” because English is basically impossible for my dumbass self.