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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Tea contains oaxalates which are a main component of kidney stones. However, most studies indicate that you would have to drink a ridiculous amount of iced tea to cause stones to form. I think he probably just developed them through usual means, did a little internet research and convinced himself it’s the tea.

  • I was raised religion-free, my mother didn’t push any beliefs on me (one of the few things she did right) so I grew up as a natural atheist. One Easter when I was very young, I don’t remember how young precisely but I was probably 10 or younger, one of our neighbor families offered to take me to church for Mass. I guess they thought they were going to save my soul or something. My mother left the decision up to me. Now, in my mind Easter was bunnies and candy and egg hunts and all that good stuff so hell yes, I wanted to go. I don’t know what I expected but what I definitely didn’t expect was sitting quietly on an uncomfortable bench for (what seemed like to me) four hours while some guy talked at me. If I wasn’t an atheist before that would have sealed the deal.