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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Was “gifted” in elementary school. Was offered to take the ACT at 12. Got a 17 overall, 23 on math specifically. Praised as “so smart” by everyone during childhood. Puberty came with crippling depression and anxiety. Also high levels of ADHD. Fell into drugs. Almost failed out in 10th grade, before my geometry teacher realized I was re-teaching his class as soon as he was done, so I just got to teach the lessons for a passing grade. Ended up dropping out of highschool because I got tired of having to sit through re-teaching of basic stuff (thanks No Child Left Behind.) Aced GED, ended up working random shit until scraping my life back together. Went to school, got degree in Electrical Engineering. Blah blah blah. Solved my depression and anxiety in my early 30s, find out it was hiding Ass Burgers (ASD) yaaay.

    I have little trouble understanding things. From machines to relationships. I can fix most of the stuff I own. I also have little trouble explaining things in terms that the person I am talking to understands. I consume information voraciously. I have escaped most addiction, but a good book can derail me in the same sense that a single drink can cause a drunk to fall off the wagon. I am hard-coded to be polite, friendly, and kind in public, so I am generally well liked. I know I am usually the smartest person the room, but I generally don’t care. It just means I’ll pick up on things quicker. That’s all. It means nothing if I am not useful. Also, for some reason I can act as if I were in drama classes my whole life for no reason. I have no idea why. Life is weird and none of this stuff matters. Leave a positive impact on everyone you meet.

  • I was going to offer my anecdotal subversion of that argument, that the boyfriend/husband is the one to suggest it, but then I remembered I was the one who pushed for it. Granted, it was because I was having testosterone issues and I encouraged my wife to pick up a side partner, so she wouldn’t have to suffer with me. We are a very indulgent couple, and I could tell the dry spell was wearing on her.

    Of polyamorous relationships, I will say two things:

      1. Before you even consider opening a relationship, you must have absolute trust in your partner. There can be no lies, no half truths, no omissions. If you can’t meet this, don’t even bother trying. It will only drive a wedge between you.
      1. It really, really helps if you are both queer. It really levels the playing field, as either way you slice it, there will be far fewer available females than males.

  • DLSchichtl@lemmy.worldtoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comneurotypical rule
    1 year ago

    Idk, the fact a comment like that sits positive, IN AN ADHD COMMUNITY, kinda makes me feel unwelcome in my own diagnosis. Like, is this place just going to be another place to be talked down to? Another place where we’re told to “toughen up” or “quit making excuses to be lazy”? Not sure I see the point in subscribing to that.

  • Ah, the classic “no u” move. It’s not as much fun if you are just going to regurgitate my comments tho.

    I do have fun with this. I have been poking the self-important internet bears for several decades now. It’s the one time I get to let down my mask and cut loose. It’s fun to watch people get all bent out of shape when their word is challenged. Suffice to say, its only the ones blind enough to think they are “morally right” that give the response I like. Either way, you are arguing with a brick wall. I’m a particularly hard-headed 'sperg. I don’t feel shame. It’s a foreign emotion to me. So I can’t feel bad about what I post, nor do i have any attachment to my posts. Hell I don’t even care about the argument half the time. I just have my lure out and am waiting for a whiny fish. Thanks for biting tho, it made my afternoon enjoyable!

  • No, I want to be morally right.** And I am.**

    There it is. The glorious shrine to your ego. You believe yourself better than others. You don’t speak out against ablism because it’s the right thing to do, you do it to feed that narcissistic hole in your chest. You want all eyes on you as you profess what is right and wrong. You want to be seen as the god-king of political correctness. Otherwise you’d put your time quietly fighting real situations of ablism, instead of going for the low-hanging fruit that is policing language on an internet forum. But you don’t get the recognition and notoriety for that. You want the visible stuff. You want noses planted firmly betwixt your ass cheeks littered with kiss marks. Oh great arbiter of decency, what is thine decree?

    Also, you think I’m getting upset, but I’m having a blast! And I’ll continue to have a blast so long as you keep trying to defend yourself.

  • Yeah, no. You don’t speak for us. You don’t get to decide what we get to say and when. You’re just a sad keyboard warrior who wants to feel like they are morally right. Don’t care. I’m not so much of a pussy that I get offended by words that have had meaning long before it was used as a slur. I don’t need some pencil dick going around saying “don’t say the r-word. He might get offended!” Be offended. It doesn’t do anything. It just gets you wound up, posting multi-paragraph responses to an autist that takes joy in trolling people.

  • That’s a lot of words to say “I get to make vocabulary decisions for others. I am right and everyone else is wrong!” Seriously, quit trying to police the words others use. You do not speak for us. You are not an elected representative of the ND community. So shut up. Quit trying to white knight us just cause your feefees got hurt. The moral high ground you think you’re on is nothing more than the pile of self-important bullshit you scream orders form the top of. Stop trying to speak for those of us who would really not give a shit either way. People like you are the reason folks treat people like us with kid gloves. You’re the reason they think we are wussy little crybabies that will meltdown if someone says the wrong words. You aren’t helping anyone.