• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • TBF land clearance for grazing land is a catastrophic issue for the environment and going on in places like the Amazon rainforest.

    Some ecosystems are naturally evolved to supporting grazing species like the grasslands of North America which was once home to millions of Buffallo but that’s not true of most land currently used for grazing.

  • Not necessarily. If she was an anxious gemini she’d be more likely to fall for leo men. She could either:

    1. Now recognize the red flags of scorpio and not subject herself to that.
    2. Be unaware of the red flags of cancer and keep making the same mistake
    3. Recently left a long term relationship as an secure individual and discover how many gemini really exist.

    Of course you are right, she could be gemni, in which case hopefully she’ll learn sooner rather than later that fearing intimacy and vulnerability is detrimental, and that healthy codependency is actually a thing. But it’s not easy for them to do so.

    I don’t like to think that everyone is incapable of finding someone, people just need to figure out why. Pointing out “single for a reason” seems counterproductive and a bit disrespectful.

  • do know that Mozilla’s Privacy Preserving Attribution is not something you should worry about

    I believe Corbin is correct based on my own assessment of this feature however he isn’t providing any evidence either.

    Adevrtisers arent going to give up their existing tracking methods unless the alternative is cheaper and more effective or driven by regulation.

    With only 3% market share and little ability to sway regulators PPA could be the best solution in the world and still won’t see significant adoption.

    So no you don’t need to be concerned about it… because it will be forgotten in a few years.