Hello, my name is Cris. :)

I like being nice to people on the internet and looking at cool art stuff

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Its not a strawman, that would imply no one was actually advocating for feeding cats a vegan diet, and this post was made up to pretend they did in order to disparage vegans. This post is a reference to someone on Lemmy arguing in favor of vegan diets for cats, and the thread you linked is literally people advocating for and discussing vegan diets for cats.

    That being said, if you read the comments you’ll see vegan folks arguing that this is a difficult thing to safely do in practice, and needs oversight and direction from a vet.

    Making decisions to feed your pets, who can’t advocate for themselves, things other than what they biologically evolved process as a healthy diet, even if you believe you’ve balanced everything just right, is morally questionable.

    Making such a decision about your own diet on moral grounds is an admirable sacrifice and difficult lifestyle change one can be proud of. Choosing to make that sacrifice on behalf of a creature you’re responsible for the health and happiness of is needlessly jeopardizing the wellbeing of that creature. They can’t communicate their needs, and you’re the one responsible for them. Don’t go making questionable choices on their behalf that they’d be powerless to do anything about.

  • The less atmosphere between you and the sun, the more radiation you’ll experience. There was definitely less atmosphere between the remains and the sun in this case than if they were shipped by plane, making the radiation higher.

    And if they were shipped somewhere by plane during normal transport by academics, they would have taken the appropriate steps to ensure the preservation of the sample.

    I can’t say I really understand why some people seem so surprised that the scientists would be unhappy at this, or feel like they scientists are being unreasonable here. Their whole job is to learn as much as they can from what samples we can recover from the past for the benefit of humanity’s understanding, and a priceless sample was needlessly handled in a way that may make it useless to their studies, because a billionaire though it would be entertaining to shoot it into space for no real reason…

    In what world would they not be unhappy with this situation?

  • And potentially altered by having been unnecessarily put through extremely abnormal treatment, meaning any conclusions you draw from studying them are muddied by having been blasted out into space, regardless of having come back.

    Folks have brought up that taking them into space exposes them to high levels of radiation, and the proper steps may not have been taken to protect the remains from said radiation. Folks have argued that because they were in a craft, that they won’t have been exposed to any radiation, but thats not how that works- people who take a flight on a regular airplane are exposed to higher levels of radiation, nevermind spacecraft. Taking the remains into space needlessly reduces their value to scientists who may have learned things from them, and now what they learn may not be meaningful or helpful, because the remains were handled so unusually.

    It was entirely unnecessary, nothing was gained by having done it, and it has a cost to science, so the scientists are unhappy- that hardly seems surprising.