Migrated account from @[email protected]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • I absolutely cannot stand this kind of logic.

    “We make a shit ton of money on this very critical piece of software!”

    “Then let me fix it!”

    “NO! It’s making us money NOW! It only stops making us money when it’s broken. At which point then we fix it.”

    “But that might be hours. We can minimize downtime if we plan properly.”

    "But it’s making us money NOW!1!1!”

    I shit you not I have had various versions of this conversation throughout my career, across industries, across disciplines.

  • I absolutely hate how dependent we’ve gotten to IPv4. To the point that Amazon is charging almost $4 a month per IP. It used to be free. These assholes are buying IPv4 addresses so fast that they are literally driving up the price.

    Is there a resource that you can recommend on learning IPv6 based on my knowledge on IPv4? A lot of resources I’ve seen are way over engineered for my feeble brain.

    Like I know what IP addresses are and what port numbers are. I don’t understand the difference between how IPv6 addresses are assigned (both locally and generally speaking) and what makes it different from IPv4.

    I know it’s not DHCP.

    Edit: This post provides a link to a great summary for those who know IPv4 but need to learn IPv6.

  • This right here. I know lemmy is all “LINUX IS FOR EVERYONE!” But it isn’t.

    I know this would go against Google’s self interest but they are best poised to make Linux mainstream. Chrome OS can play android games natively. But it’s all close source.

    It wouldn’t take much to make the ecosystem for general Linux. I don’t know if the other android-based OSes are working on this but anything we can do to push gaming into Linux would help it to become a better everyday OS

  • Open source software literally means that the source code is available to anyone. In GitHub, that just means that your repo is public rather than private.

    You can make publicly available any code that is fully under copyright. The reader cannot compile, modify, or redistribute it. It’s called “source available”.

    Open Source has a specific definition that has been tested in court, which means that you are able to make modifications, transform, etc. within the confines of the license that is provided with the code.

    There are two types of “free”: free as in gratis (free beer) vs free as in libre (free speech). The OSS licenses very clearly dictate by which means that you are free.

    Edit: added a source

  • If you simply want to allow people to view your code, you can just upload it to GitHub or something similar.

    By default, your work is copyright and you hold all rights, excluding those you give up to GitHub.

    Open-Sourcing your project is all about choosing the license that you want your users to use.

    Please, for the love of God, choose an existing license. Don’t go out and try to make one yourself or mix and match. Not only do you open yourself up to liability but it just makes it harder for you to keep track of it.

    Choosing a license is all about your personal preference and what your goals are. The two ends of the spectrum:

    • MIT License: do whatever you want, so long as you attribute me. Most libraries use this license.
    • GPL/AGPL: if you use my code, you must also release using GPL/AGPL or similarly appropriate license. Linux Kernel famously uses version 2. Linus Torvalds has issues with some of the terms in V3.

    There is a lot of middle ground between these two philosophies. Most of the major licenses have seen some level of court cases. I personally use AGPL, which is often seen as one of the strongest, most restrictive, licenses.

    I do not recommend releasing code to public domain. This often is a point of contention between OSS purists and OSS “spirit”. I personally believe we’re entering a new world of AI-driven content and I don’t want more code feeding that beast.

    The license is then copied and pasted to a LICENSE file at the root of your repo and, boom. You’ve open sourced your code.

    Keep in mind: that commit (and all future commits) will be available under that license until your copyright expires, so long as that license exists in your repo. You cannot claw it back.

    One word of advice: you aren’t likely going to see a bunch of people downloading your stuff. So don’t get your hopes up that you’ll have people submitting bug reports or making PRs, etc. All of my projects are just for me to use with one or two people reviewing it for fun. All but one, anyway.