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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Same as you, I was somewhat already leaning towards Linux but seeing Windows 10 EOL announced around 3 years ago and seeing what new “features” are going to be implemented to Windows 11, I decided to hop ship.

    The main reason for switch was privacy concerns, got redpilled by Mental Outlaw while he was still making regular Linux videos.

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlThis has to be a joke...
    3 months ago

    I remember making a comment once on .ml about how a news source they linked isn’t too credible, with mediafactbiascheck as source for that claim (as the site had historically gotten their news wrong), and the comment got removed for “blogspamming” or something lmao

    There’s certainly a degree of powertripping going over there with the mods, and I do feel like this one is gonna be removed as well for “bigotry” against mods or something

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    9 months ago

    Here’s something about American politics to provoke a lot of people, especially on this site:

    Donald Trump should be elected in 2024 purely to serve as an exam to the left. Liberalism clearly doesn’t work anymore, there’s a lot of discontent in the world and a shift towards far-right politics, while left is almost non-existent in almost any country, it doesn’t have an answer. With Donald Trump getting elected for his revenge term and demolishing democracy, hopefully it’s a catastrophe strong enough for the left to wake up.

  • Capitalism doesn’t have to be a liberal democracy. The sad truth is that authoritarian capitalism, while being something people don’t like, is very effective when it comes to economic growth (just look how China turned into a superpower because of it).

    Does this mean that capitalism more or less goes hand-in-hand with ‘fascism’, or is authoritarianism/totalitarianism/liberalism separate from economic systems such as capitalism, socialism or communism?

    Speaking of which, assuming that communism is an optional later stage of socialism (which seems to be the consensus), the vast majority of socialist/communist countries have failed due to reasons related to their totalitarian/authoritarian governments, either due to the leader’s death causing power struggles or the oppression going completely against the goals/ideals of socialism or communism and turning it into an oppressive state.

    Does this mean that communist/socialist state cannot work because it requires totalitarian regime to establish authority and make everyone play by the rules? Well, no, there were lesser known attempts such as Salvador Allende’s Chile (was very successful for a year, but failed due to CIA running propaganda compaigns, strikes and promoting a coup) and Paris Commune, they both were liberal as opposed to authoritarian, but failed due to mostly outside/external factors.

  • While historically I agree that communism hasn’t worked out (not to be confused with socialism, which did work a few times and failed due to foreign sabotage from US), it’s only been tried a handful of times and there are things to learn from each failure that could be applied to future attempts, just like in science. Scientists didn’t go “yeah we need to stop researching x-rays as it hurt people a few times, doctor examinations are good enough” after lethal exposure killed people.

    Also, the example you left above as the parent comment can literally be applied to China, which is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. Does this mean that capitalism inherently is like that?

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery day, EVERY - DAY
    1 year ago

    I’m genuinely curious - what do you think communism is? There’s been a lot of definitions over the years and a lot of confusion over the subject, so I’m really interested to hear what do people such as yourself think communism really is that makes them hostile to the idea.

  • Cars - Even if it makes my life extremely difficult in today’s day and age, I’ve decided to try my best not getting/buying a car. I’m in Europe, so this is much easier to do than in US, and I want to see how far can I go with a bike or public transport only.

    Blizzard, Bungie, Activision, Bethesda (at least titles developed by them) - anti consumer practices, even though some of the games are definitely good. As for Bethesda, I still would be down to buy games published but not developed by them, though the only one I’ve ever gotten was Dishonored.

    Google and Microsoft - terrible privacy, tries to monopolize things. Actual evil companies and I don’t really like them, switched them out completely from my daily desktop life and I couldn’t be happier.

  • It’s not really propaganda, it’s just deflection. Call out corporations for contributing the most to the climate catastrophe, and they/the media/losers on social media immediately go “oh well what have you done personally to stop it” or “well you use their product means you’re part of the problem” or “you’re not recycling”, deflecting the blame from corporations to individuals.

    As long as these people are in power, nothing is going to change, only half assed unhelpful compromises.