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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • This was my immediate thought as well. It’s unfortunate, but there will probably always be people who abuse online platforms like this. It’s totally okay if you’re not up to the task of moderating disturbing content like that — it sounds like it can be a really brutal job. I don’t know what the moderation tools on Lemmy are like, but maybe there’s a way to flag different kinds of moderation concerns for different moderators (so not everybody has to be exposed to this kind of stuff if they’re not comfortable with it). And maybe there could also be a system where if user’s flag the post it can be automatically marked as NSFW and images can be hidden by default so moderators and other users don’t have to be exposed to it without warning (though of course such a system could potentially be abused as well). But beyond that I’m not sure what else you can do, aside from maybe limiting federation.

  • I’ve been thinking lately that I kind of miss things like IRC where you couldn’t really post pictures in chat. With things like Discord and Slack the off topic channels often devolve into people just sharing random memes they found funny at the time, and not really talking to each other. I’m sure there’s value in that too, but I think it can take up a lot of oxygen in the social space, so I’m not sure it’s always a win. Different formats encourage different ways of interacting with each other, I guess, and it’s interesting!

  • You’ll almost certainly be perfectly fine. AMD cards generally work a lot smoother, and the open source drivers means things can be well supported all the time and it’s great.

    On Nvidia, in my experience, it’s occasionally a hassle if you’re using a bleeding edge kernel (which you won’t be if you’re on a “normal” distro), where something changes and breaks the proprietary Nvidia driver… And if Nvidia drops support for your graphics card in their driver you may have issues upgrading to a new kernel because the old driver won’t work on the new kernel. But honestly, I wouldn’t let any of this get in the way of running Linux. You have a new card, you’ll probably upgrade before it’s an issue, and the proprietary driver is something we all get mad about, but it mostly works well and there’s a good chance you won’t really notice any issues.

  • I dunno, I don’t think the point of all art is to be “fun”. There’s plenty of examples of games that aren’t necessarily fun but do something interesting in some sense or inspire other emotions. Exploring a bunch of dead and boring planets may not be fun and maybe it’s not compelling or worth doing in Starfield, but I think it can be interesting to have something more “boring” most of the time to have other moments stand out… and sometimes something being boring or painful is part of the experience and it wouldn’t be as worthwhile without, like for example particularly difficult games can be pretty painful to play through, but sometimes having gone through the painful thing is a huge part of why you care about the experience.

    Of course not everything is for everybody, and more “boring” experiences in general are probably not what the average person playing video games is into… but there’s plenty of us who like a good boring or tedious or painful slog every once in a while :). Maybe it’s rewarding, maybe it sets the atmosphere, maybe it’s meaningful in some other way… I get it, but I think it’s a little sad to reduce games to “just supposed to be fun!” It’s an awesome art form and I love seeing other creative things done with it.

  • Oh boy, Myst… Overall I think I enjoyed Myst, but mostly I enjoyed the books in the library and the world(s). I completed Myst without a guide and I think in terms of early point and click adventure games it’s on the straightforward side… but it can be a real pain to notice some areas and some things are needlessly obtuse, and frankly I didn’t like most of the puzzles. Honestly, I can completely understand why people wouldn’t like Myst, it’s far from perfect…

    Riven, on the other hand… is kind of amazing. There’s a few things that are needlessly difficult to spot in Riven, but it’s a little easier to navigate because there’s more frames. Riven is gorgeous, though, and the puzzles are a bit more interesting. I don’t think everybody will love Riven, but it holds up a lot better than Myst does.

  • I’m a Canadian living in the US and the fact that you haven’t burned the health insurance companies to the ground is still astounding to me. Like the situation in the states is so fucking dire and depressing, but I guess there just isn’t “one unifying event” for people to rally against… Like I think if you took away public healthcare in other countries you could organize some push back, but when it’s the status quo it seems a lot harder to rally everybody at the same time… especially when people literally can’t afford to strike and the culture is so individualistic. Also I feel like in America there’s a very low tolerance for inconvenience? There’s a lot of “well I agree with what these people want, but they should protest in a way that I can completely ignore”, which, I mean, I understand… it sucks when unrest happens and ruins things for you… but also seems really short sighted and counterproductive.

    I dunno, I’m probably just ignorant, but it just seems so hopeless? Like nobody ever does anything… I don’t do anything either (I especially don’t want to protest while living abroad when I can get deported lol). Getting a critical mass of people to protest seems super hard… especially when protesting is kind of scary and hard, and you have to work all the time.