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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Acting like a confused old person in the least helpful ways possible is always fun. I would sometimes do this with telemarketers who called. I’d adopt a doddering old woman persona, who would say “ehh?” and ask them to repeat things over and over again, and when they asked her for information I’d go “let me look for that”, put the phone down, and then go make a bunch of loud noise as if I fell down.

  • Nobody should own dogs. They were bred as slave animals in a time before we understood that they were just as sentient as any other being, with pain receptors and emotions just as real as our own. And we have bred them to be miserable when we are not there giving them attention. Their apparent affection is an illusion, a food-gathering instinct honed by countless generations of selective and cruel in-breeding directed by humans who want to pretend that these animals actually love them, when they’re really just pretending because they are rewarded for it.

    Also, if you own a dog and let it bark for any length of time, ever, or let it wander unrestrained where it might bite or harass a stranger, or let it take shits and don’t immediately clean that up, you deserve to be put in a cage.

  • Here’s an unpopular opinion: you don’t need any labels at all. You love who you live, you fuck who you fuck, you can advertise what you’re looking for if you want to but all this identity business obscures the reality that humans are far more diverse and interesting than the boxes we build for ourselves.

    Most people who call themselves straight would fuck someone from their own gender if there weren’t cultural expectations against it hammered into them from and early age. Most people who call themselves gay would wander if they found someone they connected with. Very few of us rest at one end of any spectrum or matrix. Most of us are somewhere in the middle, and far more mobile than we might realize.