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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • It’s got a few answers. For the first one, the logistics were handled by not administering the territory, those were only claims. For the next one, logistics were handled by breaking them up into other territories that would become states since administering it wasn’t feasible. In the third, it was possible, but it caused problems. The civil war was not the only grievance west virginia had. They had been neglected for the better part of a century. Richmond usually didn’t care much about those on the other side of the mountains. In some ways the civil war was just a good time to do what they’d probably wanted to for awhile. Really the logistics are the reason virginia is the size and shape it is today. Now they have a capitol where they can be not cared for by locals.

  • All other extremists? The guy who shot up Christchurch? Was his grievance legitimate? The guys who burn synagogues? When the kkk bombed a church killing 3 children? I don’t think they were from my view. They aren’t chaotic, but their rational is not based on things outside of religion. I don’t see that as npc things. They are human, and humans do not all see things the same. I’m not the one putting my views on them. They say they feel a way, and I believe them. For some reason you can’t. It must be the cia, or America. I’ll give you one thing. The circumstances that created them were certainly the fault of the US intentional or not.

  • China is more unusual, but the Islamic world is not a simple, singular thing. Religion can be hostile to near faiths. If catholics are burning protestants(or vice versa) I wouldn’t thinking making friends with one, would endear you to the other. Even if you are friends with the Taliban, Isis doesn’t really care. To them the Taliban aren’t pure enough. No one but them are. Reaching out to the rest of the Islamic world may be seen as a negative to them.

    If they are next to China, and china is not them, that may be enough for them to justify it to themselves. Religious extremists don’t tend to make perfect sense to people who see the world as it is.

  • They hate everyone dude. Have you not heard of them before? Why would they go after Russia? Ignoring historical grievances, their biggest operating grounds is in the African nations that France has been kicked out of and the formerly Wagner elements have taken the role of security guarantor. Why would they attack the primary force fighting them? Hmm. Why would they ignore Israel? Israel knows its targeted, and has a small border to patrol. It’s hard to hit someone whose always watching.