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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I find it suspicious that they don’t say how many of the 90 casualties are children and seem to imply that it’s not the majority.

    If it was actually a school, you’d expect it to be 80+ children.

    If they manage to hit 90 people at a school and say 60 of them were adults, then it was definitely Hamas using children as human shields again.

    I suspect it’s the later, but id love to see the actual numbers.

    Edit: I found more info, the school wasn’t being used as a school at all. It had been turned into a shelter a while ago. So the fact that the article is talking about the destruction of education is just patently false.

  • I’m going to be the odd one out on this.

    I prefer ultra customized recommendations, I wish they were even smarter. Especially if I’ve already bought something, I want them to know so they stop advertising that product to me.

    I’d rather see ads for products that I may actually buy rather than for shit I don’t have the slightest interest in.

    I rarely buy products without significant research, so ads aren’t likely to trick me into buying something of poor quality. I just need to have awareness of things I don’t even know exist.

  • I don’t think a lot of people actually understand the concept of how big the Chinese population is today.

    They could lose a billion people, and still have more people than the US.

    There are more licensed medical doctors in China than there are people in the state of Oregon.

    Now that being said, China’s going to collapse. It’s population tree currently looks like a nuclear cloud, and they have next to zero immigration to deal with that situation. Their population started declining two years ago, and the next 40 years are going to be rough as they are expected have a net loss of 400+ million people.