👍Maximum Derek👍

Future winner of the Nobel prize in Minecraft

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • In one of the games with my group we screwed up getting to a heist so badly that 2 of us ended up downed and the other 3 were facing prison. That’s when our bard decided to use Wish to try to jump us all to a timeline where our initial plan had worked. The DM let him do it and go back to playing the heist itself.

    The DM also used it as an opportunity to reveal some lore, and as we transition to the new timeline we got to look in on some others where the BBEG was winning.

    This was 2018ish and we still talk about it. Save scumming can be a lot of fun in the right context.

  • I mentioned this in another thread, but I do worry that google is eventually going infect the APIs that metasearch engines like DDG, Kagi, searchxng, etc depend on.

    In my experience, a lot of the sysadmins who run high traffic sites will treat all bots as scrapers that have to be blocked or slowed to a crawl. Then they make special allowances for googlebot, bing/msnbot, and a few others. That means there is a massive uphill climb (beyond the technical one) to making a new search engine from scratch. With Google and MS both betting the farm on LLMs I fear we’re going to lose access to two of the most valuable web reverse indexes out there.