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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • BezzelBob@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOld-timey doctors
    2 months ago

    You won’t find any scientific papers specifically saying cancer because the only papers (in any industry) are the ones that that owner (the company) can profit from. I don’t think I need to go into how every company for the last 100 years have been doing this.

    The reason they don’t have to specifically say it’s cancer it’s because of a legal loophole. It’s the same reason delta 8 thc can be sold in gas stations but delta 9 is federaly illegal, or how docs can give out percs, oxys, etc but not heroine

    Stem cells aren’t really cells per say, they’re more of a blank canvas that can be turned into whatever cell they want… the issue tho: stem cells are EXPENSIVE. doing some rough math, the average placenta can cost 30-50,000 dollars, which can hold 10-50 million stem cells, an 8-ounce steak roughly contains about 289 million cells. So assuming every since stem cell was successfully turned into meat that would mean an 8oz steak would cost 46,136,100,300,000,000,000 USD. Also this doesn’t take into account growth time. So instead they use cancer cells to try to simulate meat since cancer cells grow 3x faster and with less maintenance, which is saving them an incomprehensible about of money

    At the end of the day, it’s the same legal loophole they use to sell delta 8 in gas stations, while delta 9 is on the same level as heroine

  • BezzelBob@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOld-timey doctors
    3 months ago

    Most notably the fact that it grows so quickly by utilizing cancer cells, also that this is the exact same scenario as the cigarette epidemic, no one knows what exactly are the side effects since this has never been done before, were trying to paly god without knowing the implications. Also i find it ironic how most people stay away from preservatives and artificial chemicals because “theyre bad and make in a lab” but will happily down man’s attempt at playing god

  • A man who single handedly created: Brownian movement, which helped prove the existence of atoms and molecules. Thequantum theory of light, which explained how light can be both particles and waves. Thespecial theory of relativity. Which explains that time and motion are relative to the observer. The link between mass and energy E = mc2, which also forms much of the basis for nuclear energy

    This man basically discovered and explained the universe’s workings before we even had the technology to prove him right

    … vs a person who makes hair look pretty

    I have to ask. What makes you think we’re all the same intelligence?

    Because if we did consider everyone the same, it would take away credit and undermine the people who discovered all these amazing accomplishments. It’s the same reason we don’t view Olympic athletes the same as college athletes, they simply aren’t the same. Removing people’s uniqueness doesn’t create equality, it just creates a depressing dystopia where everything is the sameness, nothing has character, and nothing is unique. Kind of like the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 where everything is black and white because God forbid someone has a different favorite color

    Instead we should be celebrating the fact that there are people like Einstein and inspire to be like them, and work towards that level of intelligence. Not pull them down because we aren’t on their level

  • I can see where your coming from but i have to say, intelligence is definitely not arbitrary, it’s just very wide and can be difficult to define exactly. Kind of like consciousness, we know it exists but we can’t really place a finger on it

    Some people are 100% stupider than others and some are definitely smarter than others. I’m sure we can all agree Einstein is smarter than a hair stylist, and while yes thats an extreme example, it’s necessary to get the idea across

    The real issue of measuring intelligence (in my opinion) is that there’s so many different types of intelligence which is why the IQ test is flawed, it boils down hundreds of different spaces into a single number