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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’m sure there is, but after a few hours of trying to get it to work it wasn’t worth it anymore and no tweaking was necessary to make it work perfectly on windows.

    This is the 3rd time I’ve had the same issue. Major fps drops in every game played. This has happened over multiple Distros and multiple years. I don’t enjoy having to spend hours configuring a game just to make it run 20% worse than if I just installed it on windows.

  • Still can’t play most competitive fps games on Linux. There’s a couple, but the majority are still windows only.

    My reasoning is that it’s way too inconvenient to need to restart my pc multiple times a day if I want to play games. Add in that my audio solution doesn’t work at all on Linux (GoXLR) that requires me to use a separate set of peripherals and it just becomes less of a hassle to use windows over Linux.

  • I primarily play competitive fps games. They’re more or less the only genre of gaming that’s any kind of fun anymore imo.

    I don’t enjoy single player games. I own literally thousands of dollars of indie/AA single player games that I don’t enjoy, so I’ve stopped buying new ones. I’m simply not interested in non-competitive games. They’re not fun and I’d rather not play them.

  • There’s unfortunately not much to do.

    Linux is inherently less “secure” to developers. They have to sacrifice anti-chest efficiency to enable them on Linux, which is a tradeoff most aren’t willing to make.

    Most every game I play requires me to stay on windows. I don’t really get any enjoyment out of single player games anymore. So windows stays as the primary OS and that’s likely never going to change.

  • Most houses in desirable parts of the US are that bad. The cheap housing is in places that people don’t want to live, be it for location, job opportunities or culture/local laws.

    And it’s not just the expensive towns. It’s any town. My childhood home an hour away from a major city has exponentially gone up in price, just as the ones in the city have done.