For Amusement Purposes Only.

Changeling poet, musician and writer, born on the 13th floor. Left of counter-clockwise and right of the white rabbit, all twilight and sunrises, forever the inside outsider.

Actively seeks out and follows creative and brilliant minds from all walks of life.

#music #poetry #politics #LGBTQ+ #magick #fiction #imagination #tech

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Damn, this is so good I had to translate the lyrics:

    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow

    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow

    Somewhere there, my fiance got lost
    He met the devil even though he was baptized
    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow

    We were walking with him for about a month
    He was completely white

    Like a mysterious face in the sky
    The moon was white

    She wove a periwinkle into his wreath
    And he asked whom I loved

    Oh, we walked with him for a month
    He was completely white

    He hugged me so tight
    Although I didn’t want to
    He hugged me so tight
    Although I didn’t want to

    Those hugs are like the claws of a beast
    And was it my fault
    Who hugged me in spite of that
    What I didn’t want

    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow

    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow

    Somewhere there, my fiance got lost
    He met the devil even though he was baptized
    The red trail leads into the forest
    White snow
    White snow

  • In my humble experience, bullshitters are the easiest people to take advantage of, because they believe they have to be open to your bullshit for you to be receptive to theirs. Skillfully used, this can be utilized into taking points of their bullshit to strengthen the stench of yours.

    What’s really impressive is when you watch two seasoned bullshitters go toe to toe. Their smiles get bigger and bigger as things get more intense (threat display behavior), and the volume increases while the tone deepens as both try to appear to be “serious guys”. Eventually there’s a backslapping of the loser and a crushing handshake, along with plans to meet that will never be followed through on.

    It’s very similar to how internet troll minds work. They’re literally the easiest people in the world to reverse troll, as they’re so desperate for attention that they’ll jump on any opportunity to gain yours.

    EDIT: Aww - that’s cute, one of my trolls showed up to downvote me and prove my point. What’s wrong @some_guy, feeling lonely today snookums?

  • I totally hear you there and agree with you re: the business choices Spez made. Reddit lost a 20 year contributor when I walked away, and even if they rolled back all the changes, I won’t be returning.

    I was more looking at applying your suggestions to a fresh publishing model, as your ideas intrigued me (having run a publishing forum in the days of the early internet). I want to have a space on the internet where content creators can keep ownership of their content and get adequately paid for publishing - I think properly run, it could become a vital hub for our cultural legacy (as Reddit was, albeit clumsily and destructively). The incoming revenue is the biggest challenge, which is why I focused on that element.

    Some users will pay if you have a paywall, but only if you already have a substantial amount of content they want to access. This works for a search engine crawling pre-existing content, but not so well for a forum style site like Reddit, where most of the content creation is driven by engagement with other content. If you reduce the engagement rate (aka through a paywall), you’re actually reducing your incoming content in the long run (something we’re seeing on Reddit after the blackout).

    I don’t know what the ultimate solution here is, but I really do like your payout concept with Monero. If I did build another publishing attempt, it’s something I’d try to implement if I could get the incoming revenue to support it.

  • Excellent points. That being said, Reddit will never pay contributors. They have never had interest in quality of the content on the platform, only it’s engagement rate - the years of publishing subs like jailbait and The_Donald speak to that. Engagement, now that they’ve got a critical mass of users and 20 years worth of content, can be maintained with bots, sockpuppet accounts, and reposts (all of which have become the course du jour for the front page and /r/all since the API revolt began)… at least until they go IPO, after which it’s not their problem anymore.

    The biggest problem with online publishing is that without that critical mass of readership, it’s very difficult to become profitable enough to pay your contributors. Reddit’s never gotten to this point, even with millions of users. It’s my hope that with contributors moving off of Reddit, we’ll see new publishing models appear that utilize some of the excellent ideas you’ve outlined above. I particularly like the suggestion of using Monero as a currency to ensure anonymity.

    Tying voting to currency is an interesting idea, but I think that voting should be free, as my experience running forums is that only about 10% of your viewers will care enough to vote, and maybe 10% of those choose to post actual content. Putting a paywall in front of voting will kill engagement. However, limiting the number of free votes an account gets per day, then allowing people to buy more votes with currency, and earn currency for posting content could work very well if run correctly. The trick is balancing the actual profit you make off of the contribution with the need to pay your contributors, and here it becomes a question of determining the proper margins and payouts.

    The other problem is that the only real revenue source outside of the users of the site is going to be Google Adwords or a similar platform (unless you go for ancillary streams of revenue, like attaching an e-commerce store to the site). If you charge for access to the content, you’re killing your engagement. I haven’t used Adwords for awhile now, but when I did the payouts were absolutely abysmal (like less than a penny per click). They were so bad that it wasn’t even worth dedicating the visual real estate to put up the ads.

    Ultimately, this is the same challenge traditional publishing has had for a long time. It’s generally unprofitable unless you have a runaway hit or ancillary streams of revenue (like syndication deals with other media types) - most of the actual content almost never makes money, which is why so much of our traditional media is paid for by advertising and subsequently controlled by corporate interests.

  • Goddamn it. I knew my Tardis was malfunctioning after that last crash into the #BBC. Apologies everyone - gotta flush the quantum improbability matrix again before I untangle the timelines. By the way, if anyone happens to spot a thylacine with a spiked collar roaming around London, please let me know. He answers to the name of Cryptodile Dundee and likes kangaroo niblets.