wiki-user: 6daemonbag

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • That happened to me. I noticed a vague Monday morning meeting when I logged on. Checked with my team to see if they knew what it was about and no one knew. Supervisor was MIA on slack. Just before it starts we got a group text from him that essentially said, “what the fuck. I’m so sorry guys. I’m not allowed to speak or I’m immediately fired”

    I checked the invite list and, sure enough… VP of department, VP of HR, my supervisor, and my small team. I instantly knew we were all fired.

    Joined the meeting a few minutes early and it was just my teammates all wondering out loud what’s going on. They’re all pretty young. Couldn’t help but blurt out, “nice knowing yall…”

    Supervisor texts me with “please don’t, we’ll grab a drink right after this”

    The cool executives log and blah blah blah your team is getting shuttered thanks bye.

    We did get drinks at 9:30 in the morning.

  • Yeah but if you don’t have brightwheel or seesaw or whatever the fuck, you won’t be getting important notifications. They only only call when you’re late for pickup or your kid shit so bad you have to take them home. Some of these are tied to billing as well. Don’t want to use My School Bucks? No aftercare or cafeteria breakfast/lunch. Sack lunch only.

    It’s a huge pain but in many cases there’s no way around it.

    I’m aware the original subject matter of this post is different, but the walled garden apps that you have to use no matter what start as soon as they enter preschool

  • I’m about to bootcamp myself out of my current career and into IT. My related experience is limited and this is a major (and costly) move for me. Cashing out an old 401k to finance it. Otherwise I’d be taking a predatory loan from Sallie Mae…

    I’ll be starting from scratch, probably doing entry-level work. But I’m ok with that because I’ll eventually be able to better provide for my family, and I’m so broke and stressed that my hair is thinning. Check out springboard or thrivedx. My bootcamp is through them (haven’t decided between software engineer or cybersecurity) but handled by a local university.

    11 months ago

    I used to listen to JRE when it was just about wacky coast-to-coast-am type stuff, comedians, drugs, and mma. One of the lingering quotes that stick in my mind is Joe talking about how when someone is being an idiot or antagonistic, he imagines them as a little baby. How they used to be a blank slate of potential and now there’s a long story leading up to this encounter. It apparently helped him calm down and try to be level headed.

    What he was talking about is essentially sonder, “The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one’s own, which they are constantly living despite one’s personal lack of awareness of it.”

    Anyway, JRE is total garbage now and has been for years and years