Parent, student, or staff, what’s the dumbest damn regulation you’ve personally come across at an educational institution?

      6 months ago

      My school at some point tried to be very extreme about being late. A new rule was that if you were late for even 1 minute, you won’t be allowed in the school.

      I was literally walking to the door and saw a kid go in, but I wasn’t allowed in because oh I guess I was a few seconds too late.

      Me and other teenagers crowded around the front door and the exchange was basically this

      “So you won’t let us in?”

      “No, you were late. Go home.”

      And we all shrugged and took the day off. Needless to say the rule didn’t last very long and there were many angry parents.

    6 months ago

    In 3rd grade we had a rack of books in the class and we would sometimes be given half an hour to pick a book and read, I was a reader, I got like half way through a book and it was time up and we had to put the books back, well I wanted to finish it so I put it in my bag and went to ask the teacher if I could finish it later, she was busy talking to someone and told me she would talk to me “in a minute” and like a 7 or 8 yo I promptly forgot about it. An hour later she sees the book in my bag, calls me out in front of the whole class for stealing and when I tried to tell her Id tried to ask if it was ok to take it home so I could read it later but she was busy she called me a “liar and a theif” and back onto the shelf it went.

    A few days later I took the book and hid it behind a cabinet near the door to our room, at reading time she noticed it was missing, demanded to know what Id done with it, accused me of stealing it again and tipped my bag onto the floor to find it. When she didnt find it, she told me “once a theif always a theif” and when the bell rung that day and she was busy packing up her desk, me the last kid out the door put his bag down to tie his shoe… and I stole the fucking thing.

    If you’re going to treat me like I’m guilty anyway, might as well be guilty.

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (
    6 months ago

    I’ve got 2, both from middle school:

    1. No card games: Like, why? I even had a classmate who during one period didn’t exercise on PE. Perhaps due to previous sickness, I don’t remember. As he wasn’t the only one, he played some card game with others. The PE teacher noticed it, took that card deck, AND FUCKING RIPPED IT IN HALF. How much strength does that…? Anyway, I remember he cried, I’d say rightfully so. “You are supposed to pay attention!” Pay attention to what, people running?
      Card games were even banned during breaks, not just free classes. What’s the problem? Teachers didn’t care if someone was beating the shit out of someone else with a chair, they didn’t care if someone was playing with a butterfly knife, but card games? “That’s dangerous for the youth.”

    2. No smartphones: I mean, not even during breaks, except for “A” classes. A classes had the “better” students. The weirdest stuff here was that I haven’t taken the phone with me to school. After all, why? I could break it, I’d have no use for it and I lived 2 minutes away from school. But, when it came to collecting them, no one believed me. “Everyone has a phone nowdays, so you’ll either give it to me, or I’ll have to search your bag.” Thankfully, after a week our class teacher finally understood that I in fact do not carry a phone with me.

    Or perhaps I could also add something from elementary school. I have no idea what rule it would break though:

    Some girl reported me (a boy) for apparently having a mascara. Our teacher then searched my bag, as if it was a grenade. I did in fact not have it.
    And no, she didn’t report me stealing a mascara, just me having one as a boy. And the teacher took that seriously.