I recently read a funny comment and wanted to give it the 😂 reaction like I would on a Telegram post, but upvoted instead. Reddit had upvoting downvoting but wondering if Lemmy, being an open source innovative software, should evolve past the upvote downvote and allow for a wide range of emoji reactions to a post.

  • NicoCharrua@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I would hate such a change. I can’t see emoji reactions ever being better than seeing a single number for vote count.

    Reddit did kinda have their own emoji reactions, but they locked them behind a paywall, and called them awards. I don’t think anyone liked them, even if it wasn’t for the money. They cluttered the UI, they were annoying, even Reddit didn’t like them, since they’re removing them now.

    Now imagine that but instead of a few people who paid Reddit for some reason, everyone can do it, for free. Thousands of emoji reactions per post.

    Emoji reactions work for chat platforms since only a few people see each chat, but after a few hundred people see the post it becomes meaningless emoji spam (see discord announcement channels)