How close was it?

    1 year ago

    To make a very long story (as it is a long, but boring story) short, my health had deteriorated due to a health condition of mine. I waited almost too long to go to the ER (which the “why” is a long rant that I’ll save for another day). I’d lost about 70 pounds in the span of maybe two or three(?) months, and was just skin and bones. Ended up needing surgery to repair some major damage that had occurred, and was in the hospital for a month due to all of it.

    When I was originally admitted from the ER to the hospital, the doctor had told me that if I had waited any longer I probably would’ve been dead as the damage would’ve not been reversible.

    I’m certainly no stranger to my condition causing my health to decline a lot, but that was definitely the first (and thankfully only) time that it had gotten that close to killing me.