Alternatively, if your current phone doesn’t have a headphone jack, do you wish it did?

  • Modern Bluetooth has multi stream capabilities, though I doubt affordable headphones will provide that feature anytime soon. The other two issues are just UX problems, solved in part by just using NFC to pair.

    Most of people’s Bluetooth issues aren’t actually Bluetooth problems (anymore), they’re “Bluetooth device manufacturers suck at UX design” issues. That includes mobile operating systems, too. Buy the right devices, and you’ll run into very few of Bluetooth’s downsides while getting all of the upsides. Buy bad devices and you’ll wish you had an alternative.

    In my experience, most 3.5mm headphones sound like shit. They start sounding good right around the price range where Bluetooth becomes an alternative. But hey, the free 3.5mm dongles that come with decent phones gives you the option to use your old headphones.