Ive been runing Debian 12 (kde) since bookworm was released and am loving it.

I have recently discovered Devuan which seems to be Debian without systemd - what is the benefit of removing this init system?

  • Markaos@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    From this point of view is systemd disaster because it is almost everywhere in the system - boot, network, logs, dns, user/home management…

    That’s almost like complaining that GNU coreutils is a disaster from KISS point of view because it includes too many things in a single project - cat, grep, dd, chown, touch, sync, base64, date, env… Not quite, because coreutils is actually a single package unlike systemd.

    The core systemd is big (IMHO it needs to be in order to provide good service management, and service management is a reasonable thing to include in systemd), but everything you listed are optional components. If your distro bundles them into one package, that’s on them.