• The Xbox Series X came out in the US for $499 dollars in 2020. That’s $586.18 in July 2023 money.

    By selling it for $499, the price has effectively come down $87, or about 15%, in two and a half years.

    The original Xbox came out for $299 ($515 in today’s money). In August of 2004 it was still sold for that price. $299 worth if 2001 dollars was about $320 worth in 2003 dollars, meaning the price effectively went down 6%.

    In other words, the Xbox Series X has been reduced in price twice as much as the original Xbox. To get the same savings you would’ve gotten on the original Xbox in the same time frame, Microsoft should raise the price to about $550.

    Microsoft did slash the price by $100 around the time the Xbox 360 came out, but you can’t expect that from them unless they can find a reason to build a new console. And honestly, with the power modern consoles have, I don’t see a reason why Microsoft should release a new console at the moment. It’s not like PC or PlayStation competition are driving them out of business.