Hey folks. Just wanted to put out a good word about Nostr. I’m finding it to be pleasantly easy to use and very akin to twitter but uses soft servers in the form of relays. Its not quite moving away from servers but where decentralization is happening frequently, its nice to give that liberty back to users.

Anyways its worth a try, here are some web clients. Just make sure to save your PK its basically your login:


  • You can use your same nostr keys on other relays, but you can’t use the same Mastodon account on multiple servers. Nostr still suffers from the problem that it a relay goes down, your content goes down with it, though.

    You may also want to use it if you keep getting blocked and reported on Mastodon, because there’s no centralised blocking/banning feature. Many nostr people hate the concept of moderation for reasons I’m not entirely sure about, perhaps it’s the freedom of speech absolutists flocking to a platform where they can’t be kicked out after getting kicked out for their toxic opinions on every other platform.

    Last time I checked nostr was also big with the cryptocurrency/web3 crowd, probably because of all of the encryption magic it uses to post things.