• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    It is interesting that you are telling me to go out and play the original if I want an unchanged version of the game, except that defeats the point of a remaster. A big reason why these remasters are done is simply so that I can play the original game on Modern Hardware without having to go out of my way to track down Legacy Hardware that may be difficult to work fine or go for a very Hefty price, and all without being able to support the company that made the original.

    If you censor a product I enjoy in order to get other people in on it, even a little bit, what you are doing is essentially robbing Peter to pay paul, I already liked this game. Why should something I like be taken from me on the off chance that someone who didn’t like it before, might enjoy it now?

    Yes a lot of old media is rather dated, but I think we need to have some understanding of things being acceptable for their time, or an understanding that values dissonance is a real thing, and something that was considered Progressive 10 years ago maybe considered offensive now.

    Plus, morality is highly subjective, maybe I think having a lot of shots of boobs and asses is great as it creates an environment that strive to be sex positive. Sex positivity being something that is very much a good thing in my own moral compass.

    If you are going to sensor new releases of old products, it really should just have a toggle. If you want the original click this button, if you want a version that has been modified to Modern sensibility, push the other button. I feel like that’s the best way to do it. As media preservation is highly important, and we cannot censor the past just because the present disagrees with it.