• yanyuan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    On the topic of “nothing really matters” I would agree, but add that everything does matter. :)

    With infitite sums you can re-arange the order of the added numbers (e.g. by placing brakets) and thus change the result (on YouTube there’s a video about this, called something like “infinity minus infinity = pi”).

    In this picture, I see our lifes as sets of layered brakets in an infinite sum. A single contribution is almost neglectable, but it is not zero. Hence, I don’t really matter, but still, I should try to do good, try to have a positive influence on my sourrounding braket and myself, at least a little.
    Who knows what it might add up to.

    • idunnololz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      On the topic of “nothing really matters”, my read on it is that nothing we do will prevent the heat death of the universe. At some point all possibilities will start to collapse into one final outcome.

      My drive to “do good” stems from my desire to give everyone their best shot at pursuing their own happiness. But I don’t really believe there is some ultimate goal for humanity like some video game.