• Macaroni Love@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    The head of IT where I work quit on the spot during a meeting with the president of the company because the president wouldn’t agree with any security measure IT wanted to put in place because they were too expansive, and also because he was fedup of being micro-managed by someone who’s only achievement was being the child of the founder. That was a couple months after being hit with a ransomware that made us lose rougly 10 years of data. (IT had no budget to implement proper backups and everything)

    Then the whole IT department left the company the same week.

    That was a year ago. They tried hiring new IT staff, they keep leaving because the president still micro-manage them.

    Edit : I still work there, I’m not in IT, and I never have to deal with the shenanigans of the president. Only thing that changed as far as I know is that they changed the structure of our file servers, and we are slightly more restricted than before, but we still all have access to way too much files on there and we still all have admin rights on our laptops, so anyone can install anything.

  • JudgeHolden@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am a union member so this isn’t a thing that happens. If management does something unacceptable, we do a strike authorization vote which, if passed by the membership, starts a clock ticking down to strike time and management knows that they are on notice and need to start negotiations.

    All of which is just to say that unions are good for workers, regardless of what kind of bullshit you may have been led to believe.

  • Case@unilem.org
    1 year ago

    I worked for a dollar store in the ghetto, and we got held up repeatedly at gun point.

    Corporate wouldn’t do anything for our safety.

    Store manager lined up a better gig, and all but two employees decided to quit, because he spent his free time up there, not working but guarding us. More people at the front, bigger deterence - plus him being an MMA fighter helped.

    It was timed for black Friday for maximum impact. Finding another minim wage job wasn’t too hard at time, we just had all worked together in the past and liked each other, so we stuck around each other.

  • philluminati@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    IBM rocked up.

    Don’t believe that IT guys have safe jobs. An IBM sales guy can promise to replace any developer or project with a better version. Happened twice to me now.

  • ShadowDonut@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Company was bought by a VC group with no experience in the industry. They spent their resources in all the wrong places, leading to alienated employees with no morale. They were also behind on office rental payments.

    We had no formal IT or standard laptop hardware or software. One team decided they were all done after their director left. The CEO decided that they were colluding and fired them all at once. Nobody else was cleared for that project’s SCIF, meaning nobody could contact the customer over secure channels. Additionally, their drives were encrypted with personal passwords that were never turned over as the employees had no proper exit process.

    Between that and my team slowly leaving due to morale, they lost 2/3 of the few contracts they had, along with the technical expertise responsible for them.

  • apt_install_coffee@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    One of our engineering teams who normally builds our products in-house was made to bid against contractors who promised the moon.

    Them and multiple other teams then had to spend a total of 18 months getting the contractor’s shoddy work up to scratch. When they were done, the senior engineers from three teams left.

  • Saneless@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A very unqualified but very good at bullshitting for 5 minutes VP moved in to run my team. The old VP was great, we all loved her. My boss (Director level), I loved her too. She’s the reason I joined the team.

    They moved the SVP head of the dept to a new area and brought in some marketing lackeys. Our department’s job was to analyze marketing and they were terrible at it. Not our fault the results were shit.

    So new head of the dept, new head of our team. They were just stupid and sinister. A female friend of mine who worked with my new manager on a project referred to her as “That evil cunt”. My old manager 2 managers before that had her kicked off a project because she nearly ruined it

    I tried to give her a chance but she was awful and a liar. We already lost 3 out of 6 people on my team who bailed. Dozens in the dept. I left before she could fire me for some made up shit she was planning (another manager clued me in)

    Eventually the entire dept of 200 people was whittled down and absorbed into another group.

  • Hazama@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Oh I got a story for this one.

    “Of course I recognize him, he’s me.”

    So I got hired at a company that was a sub contracting company. I had looked at some of their work they had done in the past and I thought that it’d be a fun place to work. Spin up new stuff for peoplez then move onto the next job.

    When I got hired, there was one client who was forking out a lot of money. The client had more dollars than sense, and had before been paying for the cheapest labor he could find to build his dream application and had been burned by hiring a group that quite clearly did not know what they were doing. We basically started from scratch and got him something he was quite happy with.

    In fact he was so happy, he decided to cut out the middle man and buy the subcontracting group I was working with outright. Cut a very nice big check to the owner who took it and bounced. Supposedly he was still helping out but I dont think I remember seeing him after that point other than one point.

    Well, like I said, my new ceo had more dollars than sense, and thought himself the next Steve Jobs. He liked to call employees directly to ask why things were taking so long (which is why I know he thought of himself as the next Steve Jobs, he told me in a phone call)

    I don’t think a single person at this company, except for those who were in his inner circle, liked this dude. I know every developer at the company did. I know one of the other companies he contracted with hated his guts. (more on that in a bit)

    The thing is, while he sucked, the rest of us liked each other. In all honesty, if any of them called me up and said they wanted to work with me again I’d happily jump up to join them again.

    So at the end of this all, we got into a reverse Mexican stand off. No one wanted to quit because we didn’t want to screw each other over.

    Then it got taken out of our hands, because I was let go.

    My response to being told I was let go was to make myself a drink, take a selfie and send it to my coworkers with the caption, “See you suckers!” And call up an old coworker who I had been discussing a project with that we had been thinking of doing as a side gig.

    My coworkers flipped their shit. They went into the company chat and publicly called out the short sightedness of letting me go. I no longer had access to the company chat but my now former coworkers were more than willing to let me see them insulting the CEO and his friends.

    Then one of my friends quit. Which then made the CEO reach out to my other friend asking what on earth is going on. My friend told him “well, as we said, you made a really dumb decision. So, we aren’t sticking around any more. Also, I’m quitting too.”

    They wound up having to beg one of my friends to stay because he had been in charge of some very VERY important projects (that they only allocated one person to, gave no oversight to, and had no documentation or road map written down) and he told them he’d stick around, but they had to pay him 5 times more, and he wasn’t coming in for a 40 hour work week.

    And soon after THAT, it turned out the CEO and Owner of the company pissed off one of the dev shops we worked with so badly, that when it became time to renew the contract they told him they had no desire to continue their relationship with him.

    Within a year, they had lost every developer they had worked with. And it makes me smile.

  • Walop@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    Priorities shifted, “we’re doing good” became “we need to reduce the workforce” over weekend and most of the people who they would have liked to keep decided this is a good time to look for something new.

  • TootSweet@latte.isnot.coffee
    1 year ago

    First the boss throws a hissy fit and starts handing out “verbal writeups” for things that were his fault. Then he imposes 7:30am demos every day to prove we were actually working and not… I guess slacking?

  • TinyDonkey4@reddthat.com
    1 year ago

    I have a couple of these.

    First one, I worked for a small engineering consulting firm. Maybe 8 people tops, including the President, who owns the company and our building.

    We were renovating the second floor, and I overheard him tell his contractor that he shouldn’t put women’s restroom signs up, because only engineers will work on the second floor and therefore no women. I had an offer within 6 weeks, but disappointingly this did not slow the success of the company.

    More recently, I left a position as the facility manager for a biotech manufacturer. My workload was immense, despite a <1yo child, and I was on call for emergencies 24/7.

    Around September, I heard rumor that we were planning a plant shutdown over the Christmas to New Year holidays - this would give all manufacturing personnel a guaranteed 2 week paid vacation, while the facilities team of 20 people would be on vacation blackout and have the busiest two weeks of the year.

    I brought up the rumor to my boss and begged him to advocate against it. He said he’d try, and within 24 hours told me that he decided to advocate in favor of the shutdown during that period because he doesn’t celebrate the holidays anyway and it’s a great time to get stuff done.

    So I got to tell my team, who had family around the world and always agreed amongst themselves who got to travel and who stayed local, that nobody gets to travel for the holidays and we all get to work.

    I got a new job very quickly, but unfortunately had to see the shutdown through and worked through Christmas. However, I took one tech with me and heard that the team dropped to under 8 people before we lost touch with current emoyees. They took my departure as writing on the wall and opted to get out before there was a repeat.

  • huquad@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s happening to my place right now. CEO lied about raise and bonus amounts. Additionally, both were lower than two years ago (last time we got a raise) especially factoring in inflation.

  • pastel_de_airfryer@lemmy.eco.br
    1 year ago

    Happened when management started treating the IT department like crap and demanding we work overtime with no extra pay. Almost all the experienced developers left in the spam of a year.

    Before I left, I told them they would never be able to assemble such a good team again. Four years later and they are still struggling to keep the department running, according to a friend that chose to stay. The few developers they are able to hire are either terrible or quit after a while.

    I get the feeling the same will happen in my current job :/

    • ndguardian@lemmy.studio
      1 year ago

      We had something similar, but not only were we being treated like crap, we were basically told to be “yes men” and that we were all perpetually on call. And there were only 3 of us. No vacations, and I even had my VP calling me 2 days after having surgery done asking me to come back to the office, despite not being able to sit due to the nature of the surgery. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

      So I found a new job and put in my two weeks. Then my coworker got fired less than a week later for explaining that terminating all EC2 instances running our app would in fact cause an outage rather than just doing it. Within a week of that, my boss, the last guy on my team, up and left.

      I’m curious if they ever got someone knowledgeable on how to run the ship on board after that. Last I heard, the entire office I had worked at was shuttered during COVID.

  • cryomancer20x6@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    I have been a machinist by trade for just over 20 years. We had a lathe accident. One bad enough that everyone on the shop floor walked out.