Found this question on an Instagram reel as dating advice for girls if they don’t know what to talk about and that men have a lot of opinions about this. Let’s see if she’s right.

    1 year ago

    Samurai. Literal nobility, regular baths, nice clothes, fitted armor, regular training, and at least during the Edo period, low risk of actually having to go into battle (doesn’t apply during the prior periods of course). Good food, good rice wine, poetry and music, good literature, intellectually stimulating conversations.

    Contrast a cowboy - saddle sores, dust, caked sweat from weeks without baths, cholera, gangrene, bandits, native raids, long hours, and the blazing desert sun.

    And the pirate: nothing to eat but hardtack and freeze-dried cod until you make port or board a merchantman, hunted by the Royal Navy, surrounded by fellow pirates who haven’t bathed since the last port call, constantly alternating between seasickness and landsickness, cramped quarters belowdecks, constant risk of drowning, and when you finally go on a raid, you’re getting shot at by grapeshot and 16-pounder roundshot at effectively point-blank range.

    Samurai, any day. raises cup of green tea

      1 year ago

      Joke’s on you. Anyone can be a literal pirate right now, no boat required. Just grab a BitTorrent client and off you go. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

      Honestly, I’d choose that technically correct option because it’s probably the one that makes it easiest to get and maintain insulin, which I need to live.