• davad@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Whether they’re directly caused by an ADHD neurotype or not, all those things are associated with ADHD

    To pick one at random, Rejection Sensitive Disphoria (RSD) is often found with people who have ADHD. People dealing with RSD often imagine rejection where none was intended. That includes reading negative feelings into text messages, conversations, etc.

    (CAVEAT: I am not an expert. This is not my professional field. This is speculation from someone who has ADHD and is around ADHD kids) I don’t know if there’s good research out there or not about RSD+ ADHD, but I suspect RSD is conditioned. Growing up with ADHD, you get a lot of negative feedback from people. You aren’t paying attention well enough, you’re often clumsy, you often say the wrong things at the wrong time, etc. With enough of that sort of feedback, developing negative self talk which turns into full RSD sounds like a natural outcome.