In every country when an airspace violation occur, its identified as airspace violation by telling the type, except to the US who always came with flying objects stories since the cold war, the question is, why only the US gets flying objects? no other country reports these things? is the US on a different plant than earth?

China has WMD`s, i guess the WMD story will not work this time to start a war, so the Americans will come with new thing.

    1 year ago

    I love that you say that like the US would never dream of sending stuff over a country without their consent. The US was spying on allies such as top German politicans, they have like ten different spy plane, spy drone, spy shapeship, etc projects currently running that we know about, they invaded friendly Pakistan to get Osama… Do you really think the CIA would pause for a second before flying a balloon over Tajikistan?

      1 year ago

      I love that you say that like the US would never dream of sending stuff over a country without their consent.

      You misinterpret me. Of course US surveillance has a long arm. I’m not denying that. It’s less a question of whether they would and more whether they can. For that matter, it doesn’t even make that much sense to.